Title(s): Just Like Heaven
julia_dreamerFandom(s): Naruto
Pairing(s): young!Raidou x Yuugao, RaiGen
Length: fuckin' short
Summary: "It would be perfect, if they were in love with each other"
Note: ...meh meh. 's alright.
Feedback: Always appreciated.
Spinning on that dizzy edge
I kissed her face and kissed her head
And dreamed of all the different ways I had
To make her glow
It would be perfect, if they were in love with each other.
Raidou is everything she ever wanted from someone else. He's kind and compassionate and tender, and he treats her like she's precious and beautiful and breakable, and she's never had that before. It would be so easy for her to fall in love with him. It was already easy to think about it, to imagine what it would be like, with this person. But she knows it wouldn't ever work. In her heart, she knows that someday, Raidou will realize the mistake he's been making. He'll look back at his life and he'll see that Genma was perfect for him all along, boy or not. And then, how bad would it be? If she fell in love with him? She wouldn't be able to handle it. He was too perfect to love like that and lose. So she couldn't, no matter how sweet he was, no matter how caring.
It was worst when she could tell how upset it made Genma, that they were together. He hid it well; he wanted to be happy that Raidou was happy, and she knew it, but he wasn't, not really, not for all his efforts. She hated it when people were unhappy, and the fact that it was at least partially her fault made it even worse. He would never blame her. He would say he had given up hope a long time ago. But she couldn't; people should be happy, should be with the people who loved them the most, should love the people who loved them the most. They shouldn't all be miserable.
"Why are you so far away?" she said
"Why won't you ever know that I'm in love with you
That I'm in love with you"
And even as she told him to think about it, even as she tearfully told him that they couldn't keep going this way because of what it was doing to Genma, she knew that she hadn't been truthful with herself. It wasn't that she couldn't fall in love with him, it was that she was already too deep in love, and to fall any further would be to invite more pain then she could handle. They couldn't all be heartbroken. She still had the chance; if she could get out of this, she could get over him. She could find someone else. Genma couldn't. She had to see if there was hope for him still.
Because everyone should be happy.
[A/N] Song by The Cure.