perhaps someone should compile a pornographic thesaurus.

May 21, 2008 21:59

Has anyone ever noticed that the majority of gay male erotica is written in first person? I don't know if the intent is to create a sense of intimacy or if the writers just aren't competent enough to write any other way (come on, admit it - pretty much anyone with any sort of literary ambitions started with first person - I did it at fifteen and ( Read more... )

cock, work related bitchery

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Comments 38

ybabhsuh May 22 2008, 03:12:45 UTC
Aw, come on Lis. Don't lie and say you wouldn't love to ride my ~*magic wand*~


perfectingporn May 22 2008, 03:18:33 UTC
Why do I feel like we've had this conversation before?


ybabhsuh May 22 2008, 03:32:30 UTC
Because you just keep coming back for more of my man meat.


perfectingporn May 22 2008, 04:29:04 UTC
Oh, right. I keep forgetting.


howmayiserviceu May 22 2008, 04:49:35 UTC
Love channel. Seriously? People call in that?


perfectingporn May 22 2008, 05:25:08 UTC
Rather often, at that.


howmayiserviceu May 22 2008, 05:31:33 UTC
That's like...I don't even know, a crime against humanity or something. Definitely a crime against my brain.

Where do you learn this stuff?


perfectingporn May 22 2008, 05:35:34 UTC
At work.

You'd think editing porn would be more fun, but mostly it's just painful.


take_it_isy May 22 2008, 04:52:58 UTC
'Self-cleaning oven of Justice.'

I don't even remember where I heard that one, but the mind boggles.


howmayiserviceu May 22 2008, 04:55:27 UTC
O_O SHIROU! YOU READ PORN?! I am shocked.


take_it_isy May 22 2008, 04:56:30 UTC
Sure don't.


howmayiserviceu May 22 2008, 04:57:20 UTC

Well, where else would someone print something like that?


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