A Lazy Monday

Mar 29, 2010 19:28

What do I do when I fell peaceful? I take pictures, draw, and listen to Gackt. (But I always listen to Gackt no matter what mood I'm in :P)
Today,  I also spent quite a great deal of time looking at the sky. It was a lovely day today. Not too bright, not too warm, not too cold. Perfect. The sky was simply beautiful.

Do you see the little speck of light under the wire?

I thought it would be nice to sit down and relax outside. I decided to sketch a little bit, using only the natural light.
I took some (crappy) pictures of the drawings.

It was getting really dark when I was adding color to this one. >_<

It's really nice to just sit around with no obligations. There will be no time for me to relax tomorrow, so I'm glad I could have a nice day.
I hope I can have another day like this before Spring Break is over.

On a side note, I find LJ's spell check amusing. X3

GacktJacket, Fact, Cacti, ACT, Act, Jacky, Gasket, Gawky, Jct, Packet, Racket, GATT, Jack, Gadget, Gait, Gawk, Gawked, Jacked, Acct, Pact, Tact, Jacki, Gecko, Gamut, Gaunt, Gawks, Jacks, Caked, Cat, Gaged, Gate, Ghat, Goat, GMAT, Jackets, CT, Cart, Catt, Ct, Gk, Cake, Gt, Kt, Capt, Cant, Cast, Scat, Yakut, Acute, Giant, Kat, Cot, Cut, Cwt, Gad, Gag, Get, Git, Got, Gut, Jackpot, CDT, CRT, CST, GMT, Oct, Pct, Pkt, Jackie, Casket, Gaiety, Jack's, Gawk's, Jackdaw, Quack, Quacked, React, Gage, Gard, Gert, Jake, Jock, Keck, Cock, Gaga, Gawd, Geek, Girt, Gook, Gout, Kart, Kick, Can't

art post, lazy day, weather, pictures

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