Turn me on = Worst song ever.

Aug 15, 2004 00:01

So tonight I watched a girl I went to high school with win a silver medal in the olympics in Athens in swimming. It kinda makes you feel ridiculously lazy and hopeless....I mean, this girl is my age, we went to the same schoool, had the same classes...and while I'm sitting here writing in my LJ about seeing her on TV, she's winning medals for our ( Read more... )

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Comments 7

kjscorpio August 15 2004, 12:34:51 UTC
Blaine is mine! Back off bitch!


perfectperson August 15 2004, 20:26:04 UTC
hahahaha...Blaine is forever mine, however I will be willing to share granted you provide proof that you had interest in Blaine before I did.....Now if you'll excuse I have to add a new picture to my Blaine shrine.


me40 August 15 2004, 20:49:50 UTC
Poor Blaine, with his shitty score on the bar yesterday. :(

I'd still do him, though.


perfectperson August 16 2004, 00:50:46 UTC
Listen, maybe if that stuupid judge didn't sabotage the bar judging, Blaine would have done good. And with that I'm done because clearly it shows that I had free time yesterday to follow closely.


idlexhandsx August 16 2004, 07:27:20 UTC
You left me to write on LJ ??? What up bitch. And ps its not cheating if my eyes are closed.
you me and some fine ass brownies tomorrow.


perfectperson August 16 2004, 08:07:07 UTC
I'm gonna fuck you so good tomorrow....mmmm brownies.....maybe we can even hit up Tracey's spa and kick Tracey out if ya know what I mean.


HAHA jesse143 August 18 2004, 23:04:00 UTC
Actually me and Alyx are going in and you aren't invited!

Jokes on you isn't it!


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