I've put off posting these for a while, mainly because I lost the memory card to my camera. These were taken back in early June, I would say. Be warned, these pictures were taken with my Ghetto Cam™, possibly the oldest digital camera with an LCD screen in existence.
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Comments 4
It's my left leg. Trust me, if I knew I could have gotten away with it on my arm, I would have. Unfortunately, I kinda like my job and don't really wanna get fired yet. But yeah, my legs are always covered when I'm at work and around my family, so no worries about them.
Hmm...I wouldn't mind doing a nice design on my back. So much untouched there... Oh...*tingles* Hee hee hee ^_^
It almost sounds like you're asking me on a date. Haha.
And yeah, visible cuts can be really offputting to people. I like when I see a girl with scars on her arms. It lets me know what I'm getting into right off the bat. It also means we have stuff in common right off the bat. I've been thinking about making some fashion bandages to wear on my wrists. I haven't cut since 2001 or so. I gave it up for piercing after a bad hospital experience.
Tell me about it. Bad experience at work. I was working the register and this lady sees my arm, grabs it and starts making a rather loud fuss about it. -_-;; Not fun.
As of yet, I have not had a hospital experience. Hoping not to have one anytime soon. But, you know...anything can happen.
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