I picked up a whole truckfull of burlap coffee sacks last summer as a favor for a friend. After filling his Prius to the brim and giving a lot away, I still had a metric shit-ton (shit-tons are a metric measure, right?) of burlap sacks left
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Well, I still haven't gotten off my lazy arse and updated http://www.perfessorevil.com , but our former roommate Vicki did an awesome job as usual on the video
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Now these are flowers any guy would be happy to get on Valentine's day.
valiaderekin and I are doing a lot of running around this weekend... Dinner and Friday the 13th last night, Rosicrucian Museum today, Livermore wine tasting tomorrow. I had yesterday off, so I picked us up some money for the weekend and, it being the horrible VD day today, a dozen roses
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What is says about you: You are a creative person. You appreciate mystery. You are patient and will keep trying to understand something until you've mastered it. You may meet people who are afraid of you.