well the cute Chicks are doing it

Jun 15, 2006 01:14

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1) Would you set up davetheunicorn and aveareya? That woudl be kinda funny
2) hillarybomb's hair color? she was a burnett the last time I saw her all those years ago
3) How tall is comic_monkey? umm around my height??
4) One thing you can't stand about gailsywailsy? that she lives so far away
5) What do you agree with ladyameirah about? not sure
6) Has roguebaby been to your house/dorm? yup
7) Which president would ladyameirah be likely to idolize? once again .. not sure
8) What would you do if you found out hillarybomb has a crush on you? 6 years ago .. been estatic
9) One quality you find attractive in pipistrella? creative .. well and good legs
10) Have you ever dated ladyameirah? nope ( wow you are dominating this thing so far)
11) What do you disagree with digital_avatar about? smoking
12) What rank would zeppo have in a giant robot army? blocker
13) If gieseppi and kizdeana were siamese twins, where would they be joined? that would just be funny looking wherever it was
14) What would you do if lankylad died? wonder WTF!!!
15) If gieseppi took over the world, who would be happy? I would guess .. HIM
16) How would wynterwind kill suibhne? I think she could take him
17) What is mistressz's favorite food? some Itilain I think
18) What comic book character would hillarybomb be? Xena
19) What planet should mertii be from? Venus
20) Do firekast and biff_rocko go to the same school? nope
21) Have you flirted with wulfmadchen? tried .. not sure if I was successful
22) If kittenspeaks took over the world, who would suffer? rents
23) Does gieseppi have a crush on miribella? well maybe a little one
24) What would hillarybomb think of firekast? I am not sure she woudl "get" him
25) Thoughts on whymsical? =)
26) What color should mystae dye their hair? A deep Red
27) What animal does miribella remind you of? an otter
28) digital_avatar's eye color? not sure .. brown due to high shit content
29) Did wulfmadchen break up with you? that would imply that we went out .. so no
30) Do you think gailsywailsy is hot? well YEAH .. those eyes
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