I can't describe how much your present made me cry bright your letter and gift made my day, though your opinion of me is far too high. All I can offer you in return is my apology for always being such a prat. I'm trying to work past that now-- I have the time to work on it, after all. : ) Did you get my gift? I hope you enjoy it.
Please feel free to write any time.
I miss you.
Happy Christmas,
I'm guessing I scared/disgusted/whatevered you with that last letter because it's been like a whole day and you haven't written back and the other ones came much faster. A day is a long time in prison. Look, obviously I was kidding about our dear Professor; I don't suspect that Severus loves anyone like that (and anyone at all? Who knows). In any case, if it makes you feel better, I'm on warning now since they found that I was talking about a Professor. They thought it was a boy I was talking about! But then someone did their research. Ah well. No more joking.
Look, I know you're really mad and everything, but you can't totally hate my guts; after all, the prison did send you that letter before my first one saying you could refuse my post. Look, I totally get how you're feeling right now-- I mean, you're Sylvie and I know how you are with things-- but here's the thing: I'm really a little worried about you. You've got to try and work through things and I'm afraid that without any prodding you'll just try to shove them all down. It's not healthy. Before I got behind the bars, I saw some different therapist people. Some of them seemed fake, but some of them knew what they were doing.
There is one sentence I was told that I repeat to myself when the air seems like it will choke me or when the inmates are too much or when I realize the gravity of the situation:
"You will reach deep into yourself to find the calm you will need to survive this, and you will use it."
I think you should try to use it.
I miss you. Please don't write me off
Happy Christmas,