So! I got asked some questions! HERE BE ANSWERS!
1. Favorite RP moment? It can be anything.
It's all such close calls! There's the Chaos!Reno one which was just... epic in it's patheticness and the sheer fuckery. Also, the following stint in what is now the Angst Tub with Vincent. OH! And then there's the time that Reno pyramid'd Sephiroth (who
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2) Where do I sign up to be a roller coaster tester?
I'm a Clinical Engineering Technician
1) If you could dye your hair any color ever, what would it be?
2) What fictional character would you want for a best friend?
3) What sort of odd skills/talents do you have?
4) You win a billion dollars, the same day aliens invade the Earth and say that they're going to blow it up in three days. What do you do?
5) What's the least favorite book you've ever finished?
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