So if I've been accurately keeping up with the calender here in Vatheon, then today is Father's Day.
[A pause.]
I hope my dad is doing okay.. it's been a while since I've seen him. It'd be nice to be able to wish him a Happy Father's Day at least... but I guess that's not really possible considering the circumstances.
[And a sigh, it really is lame.]
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Comments 119
[A beat.]
This 'Father's Day' thing... What if you don't have a dad anymore?
[It's a beat for Haruhi too... maybe more than one beat.]
Well... that's the sort of thing only you can decide, really. I mean... My mom isn't around anymore, so every year when Mother's Day rolls around I like to bring flowers to her grave and take the time to hold a small memorial service for her in my home.
Mine isn't either. I dunno where my dad went or if he's even still alive. ...D'ya think father figures count? Like, uh, the kind where they're you're best-friend-but-old-enough-to-be-your-dad thing?
[Just in case maybe Haruhi's dad shows up in Vatheon some day.]
I think you can definitely count them if you want. They may not have real children of their own, but if you view them as a father figure it's a good idea to show them how much you appreciate them.
I...don't even know my father. It was always me and mom. [But ont he bright side!]
There;s a few apartment buildings heading right out of where I live. B-but I'm sure you're not looking for a house, that requires looking for roomies.
[Haruhi doesn't really know what else to say... Her mother was no longer among the living, and sometimes it was hard to deal with missing her. But never having met her might have been a much harder thing to go through.]
Ah... I feel like I deal with enough 'room mates' at the club during the day, so I'd much rather some time to myself in the evenings.
[Gold decides to not talk about Dad. Yeah, good idea Gold. Talking about him depresses you. You're HAPPY. Not SAD!]
...What's a host club?
[Ah derp, she can't escape conversation about host club any place she goes...]
A host club is basically a group of guys that entertain. We mostly treat girls to conversation over tea, but we've hosted a few parties and events for holidays here in Vatheon as well.
[He sounds bewildered, like he's never considered a day dedicated to parents.]
[She sounds a bit taken off guard there at first. She hadn't expected someone to reply to the concept of Father's Day in confusion.]
You didn't have a Father's Day back where you're from, Kanda-san?
[Just be glad he's not asking what a father is.]
[She pauses, trying to think of another way to place it.]
It's kind of like a birthday. Only instead of celebrating the date of someone's birth, you're celebrating men who have become fathers.
It is a shame that we're separated from our families on a day like today, isn't it? But maybe finding a small apartment is a good start. The Viscus Apartments seem rather popular.
Yeah, I have to agree with you there. Sometimes I wish he could be here with me... but at the same time I think my dad is much safer at home than here in Vatheon. So that thought helps make the separation a bit easier.
[Not easy. Just easier... Slightly. :T]
I think I've heard of Viscus... but I'm not so sure I want to live in a place that's considered popular.
It's good to hear from you as well. Have you been taking care of yourself?
[Ah, and--]
That's right. I should have asked what you were looking for first.
[Always so polite, Minato-san.]
That's alright. I should have mentioned more details earlier. I just didn't want to sound too picky, or anything.
[Grump-face forever, stupidoldmanisajerkwholeftMom;A;.]
Then again, I usually don't celebrate much of anything! [Here, have a little grin.]
[Blunt comment is blunt.]
Why the lack of celebrating?
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