JULIET AND JACK!!!@@!JFKDSJFKL. What, why. As much as I've started to appreciate Juliet's badass self I must admit that a little something from dinner started to come back up when she jumped him.
I adore Matthew Fox. Honestly. I'm willing to get over Jack's fix-it complex if he's as badass as he was tonight. The end scene KILLED. ME. With Kate looking all sexified and Jack looking like a complete mess.
Two things:
1. WHO DIED. Ben? Juliet, maybe?
2. Who the hell did Kate rush back to? Sawyer? I have no idea.
All I can say is that tonight was the first night I watched at home, in the presence of other people, and I'm pretty sure you could hear us yelling in Florida. Wheeee take out and season finales! Hurray!