So, I have enjoyed two "classic" college experiences in the past two days.
Wednesday night, I stayed up till 3:30AM having a rocking archaeology study group with Jeannie. YR was in her room too, working on his philosophy paper. When we got bored or tired, we'd shake things up by ballroom dancing! It was so much fun- I LOVE ballroom dancing! I'm on the competative team, and I think it's going to be an absolute BLAST! YR is pretty awesome- he takes Japanese with Jeannie and Diane Y, and he and I are a LOT alike. We've had similar life experiences, and we have a similar sense of humor. His full name is Yuan-Rui, but we call him YR because Diane kept forgetting how to say his name. ANYWAY, the study group was crazy-fun. (YR just stopped by my room and would like to insert an editorial note- he was not, in fact, working on his philsophy paper, though he did, in fact, get it done. He was procrastinating.)
The second experience that you can pretty much only find at college occured at 8:50 this morning. Bostwick had its first ever fire drill, and guess where I was? THE SHOWER! It took me a bit to realize that the loud noise was a fire alarm, and once I realized it, I panicked. We get a major fine if we don't leave the dorm during a fire drill, so I dashed outside clad only in a towel. Yup! I was shivering in the early morning air along with the rest of my dorm, watching other Wake Forest students walk by on their way to class (it happened in the middle of a class change). I was the ONLY one who was so indecent. I wasn't embarrassed, exactly- I thought it was funny. I was just really cold.
So, the fire alarm ended, and I returned to the shower and finished shaving my leg. Plus, now I think I'm famous- the Bostwick girl who wore her towel outside to the fire alarm.