You know, I realize that racists exist. Hell, I married into a family where they're quite common. Racism is alive and well here in the south.
But the responses to this video are truly saddening to the extreme.
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People are using words like Hitler Youth, Blasphemy (based on the Alpha Omega change in the beginning), stalinesque...
It frightens me, that people could be so hateful, so ignorant. I don't know if this is any better, either: Too many people who can only think, "where are the other races in this video" or "why are you calling them black? I just see young men." Tell me every one of those young men aren't proud of being black. And tell me they shouldn't be.
You know what I see, when I watch this video?
I see intelligent young black men, in traditional black fraternity style, standing up for something they believe in. For those who aren't familiar with it, what they're doing is called "stepping", and is a classic part of the black college fraternal experience. It's a traditional form of American black dance... from what I understand, its origins go back as far as African tribal dance.
This isn't blind chanting of mindless platitudes, it's articulate statements of policy. I see young men who are inspired by a black man who is aspiring to the most powerful position in America. I see young black men who want to be engineers, doctors, architects, lawyers. I see young men who have seen what they CAN do, and want to be great, too.
And I see some young black men who really need to stay away from the gold spray paint. ;)