SMACKDOWN confessions

May 13, 2011 09:35

Because q_sama  and treanz  did it, and I'm suggestible.

SMACKDOWN confession #1: I'm getting really tired of shoehorning all four Circle characters into every fic I write.

I could happily go on exploring the component relationships of Briar/Daja/Sandry/Tris for a long, long time to come. And regardless of whether sex and/or romance enter into it, I'm firmly and in all seriousness convinced that the four of them make much more sense together than they ever could apart. I've now written something like 70 ficlets, 100 to 350 word each, including several unfinished series that I would really like to wrap up somehow. And at this point, making sure I hit the requirements for competition is so tedious.

SMACKDOWN confession #2: Outside of my mod/QC role, I'm barely reading anything posted in the arenas.

I feel terrible about this one, because reading and commenting is how you get to know people, and make friends, and become an actual team instead of a random collection of people who happen to be writing the same characters. I just haven't had the time to be involved in that way, and it makes me sad.

SMACKDOWN confession #3: I can't write smut this year.

I don't get it. I cannot seem to go down that road. I have one series in progress that starts out a little smutty, and then it becomes more farce-like, with eavesdropping and speculation and banter, but very little description of action. I totally ship Circlecest -- some combinations more than others, it's true -- but I can barely write it in anything other than a platonic light, and it's starting to bug me.

writing: smackdown, writing: not writing, fandom: smackdown (pierce)

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