Dear writer,
Thank you so much for signing up to write for me! I'm so excited, and I'm sure I'll love whatever you chose to write! If you'd like some ideas or suggestions, though,
read on.
First, my requests. They are
here, but I'll paste them in again just to have everything in one place.
Twelve Houses - Sharon Shinn
Senneth Brassenthwaite
I love Senneth so very, very much that I would be happy with anything that explores her character or her life: her stubbornness and inner strength, her complicated relationship with her family, her surprise at falling for Tayse, her affection and dedication to her chosen family, or anything else. I love the other characters, too -- all of them! -- so feel free to also include anyone else you like.
College of Magics - Caroline Stevermer
Faris Nallaneen; Jane Brailsford
I like this universe for many reasons, but I especially like the friendship between Faris and Jane. I would love a story where they have adventures and get into scrapes, or a story in which they are older and looking back on their ridiculous youth.
Magids Series - Diana Wynne Jones
Maree Mallory; Nick Mallory
Maree and Nick are one of my favorite pairs of fictional siblings. What were they like as kids? What changes about their relationship when Maree becomes a magid and Nick goes on to study with Romanov? How does Nick deal with Rupert joining the family? Does Maree ever meet Roddy and the others from her world?
Bloody Jack Adventures - L.A. Meyer
Mary "Jacky" Faber; Amy Trevelyne; Clarissa Worthington Howe
I would love to see Jacky reunite with her school friends (and frenemies) and have some kind of adventure! Bonus points for Jacky/Clarissa, and/or Amy being exasperated with the other two. I'd prefer something set before "My Bonny Light Horseman," as I haven't read it or anything that comes after.
If you happen to troll the Yuletide tag on my journal, you'll see that some of these are repeat requests. I like to think I've mellowed over the past couple of years, so please don't take anything I said in the past very seriously!
If you'd like more guidance than that, here are some things I like to read about:
- friendship
- chosen families
- blurring of relationships
- friends with benefits
- femslash
- multi-partner relationships (F/F/M threesomes are a particular draw)
- adventure
- swashbuckling
- chase scenes (especially car chases)
- unusual application of magic
- trope fic (amnesia, body swapping, age regression, time loops, all the cracky cracky et cetera that might fall into this category)
- characters sleeping together (definitely including platonic or UST-filled co-sleeping)
- gender ambiguity, gender play
- characters misinterpreting other characters' relationships (possibly a type of trope fic)
- characters dealing with the practical in the face of magic and/or romance
- bittersweet endings
- open or ambiguous endings
- happy endings
I will love it if you incorporate any of these into your story! But if your style is something else entirely, I'll enjoy having my horizons broadened.
Thank you again!