Who: Ichigo and Ishida
When: At the same time and Rukia and Orihime's Awkward!Log
Where: Kurosaki Kitchen
What: The Most Awkward Talk About Sex Ever.
Rating: NC-17 PG-13-ish?
Ichigo stared blandly across the kitchen table at Ishida, struggling to think of something to talk about. He noticed that Ishida seemed oddly cheerful today, occasionally smiling to himself for no apparent reason, not unlike a crazy person.
"Soooo, what's up, Dorkface?" he asked casually.
Ishida didn't notice the insult, nor even attempt to come up with a scathing remark, instead simply smiling again. "Things are good," he said by way of reply, picking up a slice of apple from the fruit tray Yuzu had left in the fridge and nibbling at it delicately. Nothing was going to spoil his mood today, not even Kurosaki.
Ichigo furrowed his brow. This was really weird. He'd never seen Ishida pass up an opportunity to retaliate with a snarky retort before. For some reason Ishida's inexplicable good mood bothered him.
"What are you so smiley for anyway?" he asked irritably, grabbing some grapes and shoving them gracelessly into his mouth.
"...Smiley?" At Ichigo's words. Ishida tried to force his face into a scowl and was only successful for a moment before happiness won out and the smile was back. "What, I can't be in a good mood?" He paused and belatedly murmured, "Idiot," more for show than any genuine irritation.
Ichigo thought about this for a moment and concluded that no, Ishida could not just be in a good mood. There was something that had to be causing his happiness, and for one reason or another, it annoyed Ichigo that he didn't know what it was.
"C'mon Dorkface, spill it, what the hell is up with you?"
Ishida sighed wearily, rolling his eyes. Leave it to Kurosaki to be the one person who might be able to actually ruin his mood, if he persisted in his annoying prodding. Gentlemen shouldn't kiss and tell, and they certainly shouldn't do...that and tell, but Ishida supposed the news about him moving in with Orihime would be common knowledge soon enough. Still, it pleased him to be a bit evasive, if only to tease Kurosaki. "Things happen to be going very well with Orihime, that's all," he stated calmly as he picked up a slice of orange.
Ichigo raised an eyebrow.
"...but you're acting really weird." he said, squinting at Ishida, as if it could help him see what Ishida wasn't saying.
Ishida just smiled an enigmatic smile and shrugged before popping a grape in his mouth.
"Okay, now you're being creepy, just tell me what the hell happened," Ichigo said impatiently, throwing a grape at Ishida's head.
Ishida gave a long-suffering sigh as the grape bounced off his head, pushing his glasses further up with two fingers. "If you absolutely must know, Orihime and I are going to be moving in together. Or. Well. I'll be moving there, at least."
Ichigo's jaw dropped. He stared at Ishida with wide eyes
"You're.....moving in with each other?" he asked, this news taking him by surprise only because of his complete obliviousness to the world around him.
"That's a pretty big move. You guys are that serious?"
Ishida drew himself up straighter in his chair. "Well. Of course. Orihime's right, it makes good sense. Financially. And..." He trailed off, deciding he didn't have to justify anything to Kurosaki. Instead he gave Ichigo a smirk. "Besides, you and Kuchiki-san live together already. Technically."
Ichigo blushed when Ishida brought up the subject of Rukia.
"That's different, we live with my dad, you two would just be living...by yourselves." Ichigo thought more about this arrangement and became more confused.
"And...Inoue only had one bedroom in her apartment. The two of you aren't gonna...share, are you?"
Ishida paused. This was skating dangerously close to a subject he had no intention of sharing with Kurosaki. "...We are." He gave a small cough into his hand and looked to Ichigo out of the corner of his eye. "And, once again, didn't you used to share your room with Kuchiki-san? As I recall, she slept in your closet."
"So wait... you're going to live in Inoue's closet?" Ichigo demanded, living up to his reputation as the Most Oblivious Guy Ever.
Ishida rolled his eyes impatiently. "No, you idiot. I'm going to be living in the apartment. Of course we'll be sharing the bedroom. Though...my sewing room is going to be in the closet."
"But...Inoue only has one bed, you two can't....wait wait! You haven't....have you?!?" Ichigo flailed and pushed his chair back away from the table.
"What are you talking about? We've been sharing a bed for months now!" Ishida threw up his arms in frustration. "You can't mean to tell me that you and Kuchiki-san haven't ever--" He stopped mid-thought. Knowing Kurosaki, they probably hadn't done anything beyond hand-holding yet.
"Of COURSE Rukia and I have shared a bed, I meant was you two haven't-" Ichigo cut himself off, horrified by what he was about to ask Ishida.
"ARGH WHY ARE YOU SO AWKWARD!?" he shouted, covering his face with his hands.
Ishida couldn't resist a smirk. "Who's awkward?"
Ichigo let out a strangled yell. He hated that he'd lost his cool, and he didn't want to be so curious about Ishida and Orihime's relationship, but he couldn't help it.
Caught up in the heat of the moment, Ishida responded to Ichigo's shout with one of his own. "Haven't what? Had sex? As a matter of fact, we have!" As soon as he realized what he'd said, he clapped his mouth shut and glared a death-glare at Ichigo. Damn it. He really hadn't meant to say that, and especially not to Kurosaki of all people. There was just something so infuriating about him--or perhaps something so idiotic that his stupidity had a way of spreading. "Do not repeat that," he growled. So much for his good mood.
Upon hearing Ishida's confession, Ichigo was pretty sure his brain exploded inside his skull. Ishida, the skinny little glasses-wearing Ishida Uryuu, president of handicrafts club and all around Biggest Dork in the Universe lost his virginity before he did. He was clearly in some kind of alternate universe where everything was crazy and backward.
"Why would I repeat that to anyone ever?" Ichigo growled back after the shock wore off, avoiding Ishida's gaze.
As they sat together in silence, a nagging question popped in his mind. Reasoning that there was no way their conversation could get any more awkward, he thought what the hell, why not? and asked, "So.....how was it?"
There was a long moment of absolute silence. You could have heard a pin drop.
Then Ishida spoke, beginning in a low, even voice that quickly rose in pitch and volume: "I realize you're a complete idiot, Kurosaki, but what in the world would possess you to ask me that question?!" He was standing now, his hands slammed down on the tabletop to punctuate his own question. They stood for a moment more, just staring at each other, before Ishida sighed and shook his head in a long-suffering fashion, throwing himself back down into his chair. He placed a grape in his mouth and chewed in careful, deliberate fashion before moving on to a slice of orange, which he held up and contemplated absently.
He raised his gaze for a moment to Ichigo, quickly and quietly saying, "...But, if you must know, it was awesome," before popping the piece of orange into his mouth and looking away with a hint of a self-satisfied smile on his lips.
Ichigo rolled his eyes, the hint of a grin on his face.
"Well I guess that explains all the smiling," he muttered, grabbing a piece of orange and popping it into his mouth.
"And I am not a complete idiot, Dorkface."
Ishida scoffed, though he had a hint of a grin on his face as well. "Riiight."
Just then, the sounds of two sets of feet came echoing down the stairs. Ishida leveled a glare at Ichigo again. "Not a word," he mouthed silently, and Ichigo answered him with a scowl as Orihime and Rukia came bouncing into the room.