Title: The Quidditch Team, the Peeping Tom and the Cheerleading House-Elves
Word count: 6,000
cheryl_bites'Summery' or 'summeries' it's based on: “DMHG relationship in later chapters Hermione's POV when the two teens are chosen to be head boy and girl, they also find out that they must share a room (and a bed) and be kind to one another on threat of
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Comments 11
Harry's too bloody cute, curing George's bum and then kissing it. Heeeee. There really isn't enough George Weasley lurve out there.
Ron and Cho! YAY!
Angelina, drunk? Brilliance!
Dumbles... well, I guess Dobby got the whole thing right, didn't he? Drunken debauchery AND a chance to scandalise the old goat!
*dies laughing*
Thank you for saving my life - a boredom-induced suicide was imminent. This is the only thing that has ever made me laugh out loud at work.
God, I wish this community were more active. I'm so in love.
I'd say "my favorite part is..." but I don't even know where to look.
Yes, I loved this community when there were more posts... McTabby used to update Summary Executions more often, I think.
*Reads your comment once more to savour the flattery*
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