Time out to heal up, please!
I've been "under the weather" since last Friday, running temps of about 99.4-99.7F most early mornings (1am-9am or so). Still dragged myself to work because I can't afford days off for having sniffles, coughs or loss of voice. Most people have been very cool about this, but some wonderful folk feel that if I'm the least bit ill, I should just stay home. Guess what? I'd love to do that, so I can be whole that much sooner! Wrinkling your noses at me and telling me that "If you're sick, you should just stay home!" will NOT endear you to me. In fact, I will be gritting my teeth and grateful that my lack of voice means I will NOT have to find a polite answer for you. Does YOUR job pay you to stay home and not infect the city at large? Good for you! Mine doesn't. In fact, I have to call in for two or more days in a row before I can collect any of my sick time, and I have to kiss off that first day's pay regardless. This has become common with a lot of workplaces I understand because of the "morning after regrets" sort of folks borking it up for those of us who have =real= complaints that we didn't set ourselves up for suffering. Oddly, even missing ONE day's pay makes me scramble like mad to have food for my table, thanks for your concern. For those wonderful folk who think demanding the currently-mute cashier "speak up!", karma is a bitch, and she is setting up the ambush for you as I glare at you for being the asshat you really are.
On the third day of waking up with stabbing pains in my left ear, add the fact it was leaking clear fluids, which freaked me out. My nose has done that many times in my life, which is =annoying= but not scary. But to have my ear that only excretes solid to semi-solid wax start churning out clear goo? (shudders) I went to the hospital for the antibiotics I knew I needed.
Went from the hospital to work to get the prescriptions and to physically call in to work. Not having a voice makes just using the phone for this rather problematic. They have the amoxicillan for me, but not the ear drops that the doc insisted were far more important, and it won't be in until either after 2pm or tomorrow... I missed the 'or' in that statement, but since I couldn't have just called in due to the lack of voice... So I go back around 5pm because that's well after the new stuff should be in hand for them, and they still don't have my drops. Mentally muttering, I walk away and buy the water I need and go home to rest more.
Thursday I go back in after 5pm again, thankfully feeling much better and with only MUTED stabbing pains in my left ear, which is still clogged and only partially working for hearing. They HAVE my drops, yay! They cost $27... The doctor told me he was setting me up with the $4 stuff, since even at that price the four scrips he gave me can add up. So I'm making due with the amoxicillan for now, and gritting my teeth on the delay on getting the drops, which I won't be able to afford for another entire week.
To all of those people who instead said some version of, "You poor thing! They should let you go home and recover!" ... you're sweet and I love you. I still wouldn't get paid, but your thought DOES count.
Lucky me, I've been suffering both an inner and outer ear infection, as well as an upper respiratory virus!