Laura pointed out that people might think I am already dead if I don't update on a black box of her visit.It's true, I have come near death several times already!
So here followet the Black Box of Laura's visit so far, for the purpose of better informing those who take on the mission of entertaining Laura for any length of time...
I probably should say that on Tuesday I had something to eat I most likely shouldn't have had - a tablespoon of onion. Oh the horror! As a result, Wednesday morning I wasn't feeling too great. It's my own fault but I've gotten away with it before and I pushed my luck. Well, that and the stress of driving to Bristol - HATE HATE HATE DRIVING IN BRISTOL - meant I couldn't eat anything and I was feeling really quite nauseous. And a bastard bus cut me up again on the roundabouts!
The Small Fuzzy of Doom invaded the South in a timely fashion, and off we went zooming back home and went for our normal shop in Tesco. I think, due to Laura actually being asleep while walking around randomly, we managed it quite quickly. Nothing too exotic was purchased this time - again due I think to Laura being semi-conscious due to not sleeping the night before and we fled the supermarket trailing pate and hot cross buns in our wake.
Well,we arrived at home and Laura steps one foot out of the car and goes "Eeeeeeeeeeeeeee! A Queen Ant!" It says much for my exposure to this behaviour that I didn't even blink and immediately said "No, we are not capturing it! No, no jamjars. Mum does not want ants in her house. No I don't care if there are lots of them...Nooo!"
As a result though, I did take Laur to an ants nest I knew in my garden - that I had located for entertainment value for Laura's and then lo! What fortuitous timing! An ant flight was beginning! I now know all about wings falling off queens when they have sex, and the male ants pretty much having sex and dying, and all manner of insecty goodness.
I could've just left her there for HOURS!
Then I cooked dinner - easi-peasy Indian which was nice and I felt hungry enough to eat, and then we adjorned upstairs for DVDs. It says a lot that I couldn't remember that film because it was so BAD. It was a film called Doomsday. Laura reports my principle reactions were... "Noooooooooooo!" and "OMG Noooooooooooooooooo!" and "Why the hell is there a gimp there? I need my gimps to have PLOT dammit!" and " Cyber punks versus medival knights - yes well, that's the North right there." and "Yes okay Laura, Newcastle is not Scotland, I know!" "No I don't see anything wrong with walling of the north. Why do we need a plague to do that?"
She brings these DVD's to torture me.
Apparently we also watched Valiant about Pigeons. It was more background to the excitment of the Sims3 houses, which generally involved me going. "No wait, why are they sleeping together?" and "Why is SimKat getting up to compulsively clean the bathroom and unblock the toilet when she is tired?" "What do you mean SimVicky is still out talking at 4 in the morning? I'm not a bad parent!"
Then Laur was sent early to bed - i.e midnight! and our bedtime stories this time are from Beedle the Bard. Hurrah! Then I went back and flopped in a heap feeling a bit sickly and wondered if I was going to survive!