Title: Summon the Captain
Author: Persephone_Kore
Summary: Elizabeth calls out to Will.
Warning: SPOILERS for the third movie.
Elizabeth stalked aboard, glaring at each of the merchants who knelt on the deck. All had survived. So far. None were making any objectionable moves.
So far.
Her men stood restlessly by the captives, impatient for plunder.
Elizabeth had a different treasure in mind. Her body tingled, alive and burning. She licked her lips.
Today she would see her husband.
As the spray from the Flying Dutchman struck her face, she pulled her sword free of the merchant captain and held out her arms. "Will!"
He took in the slaughter, his face fading white. "Elizabeth... what have you done?"
Author's note: This does not go with any of the plotbunnies previously discussed. I don't intend to use this version of Elizabeth for anything else, but I couldn't quite get the possibility out of my head.