There is something horribly wrong with the formatting on this and the LJ cut or there is a missing LJ cut? There is also at least 5-10 screens worth of blank space to scroll by at the end of the story to get to the next entry on my friends page. I don't know how to help you since I only use the classic, most fundamental html to post on LJ. I personally have never had any luck with LJ's auto-formatting.
Thanks for the heads up. I wish I knew what I did wrong. I do think it has something to do with the lj cut, but I have VERY little computer savvy LOL! I t seems to be okay if you go to the main page at the wraeththu community to my main post there and click on Post 8 to read the entry. It goes to my journal. Sorry for the hassle.
I have an idea for a temporary solution for me. I will de-friend you for only a couple of days, until you move down off the current entries on my friend's page. Then I will re-friend you. Please don't delete--it just a temporary measure to solve the technical glitch with this particular entry.
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