Night of Horrors: Return of the Twilight

Mar 28, 2009 13:50

My roommate's birthday was earlier in the week, almost next to the birthday of our suite mate. We celebrated the latter's birthday last night with dinner, Cold Stone Creamery, and a showing of We exchanged drinks and laughter over the film. It was a lot of fun.

The movie is a moody horror film without the horror, just sexless sex because you know, no messing around before marriage, kids! I liked it a little better than the book, though. Bella's narration was thankfully brief, and while I didn't like the character - "Everyone loves me! Oh no!" - Kristen Stewart was actually kind of cool. She tried to give Bella a sense of inner poise that isn't apparent in the book. Stewart makes her a little tougher, but not tough enough to avoid being the damsel in distress.

The problems I had with the movie were the problems I had with the book. The Cullen clan accepts Bella too quickly; Bella's displeasure with being popular feels unconvincing; Edward acts more like a father (i.e. disapproving, protective, controlling) than a lover. There were some unique flourishes by the film that attempted to be creative with the book's material, like Edward catching the apple (see: "Twilight" book cover) and his skin shimmering like rock candy. That's just the thing, though - his skin couldn't possibly have been the "shimmering marble" Meyer describes in her novel. If your skin sparkles, it's more likely to look like sugared rock salt than a beautiful statue.

It was fun to have a MST3K party, but I doubt I would have sat through the film if not for those conditions.

It's harder getting back from Spring break than I realized. I had some trouble sleeping the first few nights while wondering where my "real" bed was. It looks like things are getting better, right now. Still worried about a recent Bio exam, but hopefully that will turn out all right.

Also, weather? Beautiful. Expect it will be green, soon.

One more thing: I keep dreaming about zombies. I had a dream about them last night and another a little while ago. These aren't Michael Jackson "Thriller" zombies, just pale, starring folk who loom close and hunger for flesh.

The first dream I had was weeks ago, an episode of "House" where he and Wilson briefly elude the undead in a helicopter, worrying that if they can't find a zombie-free place to land, they'll have to crash. This dream involved the murder of a rich man by his mistress and a setting that looked an awfully lot like my high school English classroom. The teacher kept putting the students in groups of two, which we all informed him was incredibly stupid. This dream ended before a proper resolution took place, but I'm pretty sure the zombies closed in and won.

Have no idea what my unconscious mind is trying to tell me. Perhaps something along the lines of, "Keep your brains out of the mouths of the undead?"

film, dream journal, zombies, books

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