Title: A Rose in the Ashes
persephone_koreCharacters: Anakin/Vader, others referenced
Summary: Vader's sorrows and redemption.
Notes: Written for the Writer with the Force Challenge #2 at TFN, to use one of the episode titles from the first season of Andromeda. This would never have happened otherwise.
A rose in the ashes
A spark in the damp
Dry tears under lashes
And thorns in his grasp
A rose in the ashes
Lies redder than flame
And redder than torn lips
That shape a dead name.
A rose in the ashes
A red saber burns.
The lightning still flashes
And shadows still turn.
A rose in the ashes!
Not fallen, but grown.
From blood and the burning,
A bright son has shone.
A rose in the ashes,
In darkness, a light,
Below, thunder crashes,
A dawn to the night.