Title: A Tale of Two Lokis
Authors: Khilari and Persephone_Kore
Summary: Thor and Loki were not the first of Odin's loved ones to bear those names. After the events of the movie, Loki is planning his next moves when he discovers a frost giant imprisoned in a volcano, who proves to be both the uncle he was named for and Laufey's first child. Soon
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Comments 2
Pfft. :D
I finally watched Thor, and I'm so glad I did, because it means I was able to read this fic! My overall knowledge of Norse mythology is a little rusty, so there are a bunch of names earlier on whose relationships I didn't immediately recognize, but honestly that doesn't matter. I love that the female characters are getting a big role in this fic, and I am really enjoying Thor & Loki's messed-up siblingship. And Uncle Loki & his attempts to talk Loki down. Actually I am just really enjoying everything about this fic.
Psst, there seems to be some HTML weirdness just after "Jane was offered a seat. Thor told her he'd be back".
If you want to ask them, I'll try to clarify any questions about names and such -- we're drawing on a less well-known version of events for some purposes and then further modifying those, so a few of the relationships have been shuffled anyway. Some of them will become clearer as we go, but as an example, in both the Prose Edda and Gesta Danorum, Rindr is the mother of a guy born specifically to avenge Baldr. We made Baldr half-human, as in GD (sort of), and reassigned Rindr as his otherwise unnamed mother.
We're rather fond of the female characters, although Loki and Loki are driving the main arcs. Thor and his Loki won't get to talk again for a while, but they're certainly still affecting each other. And Uncle Loki is going to spend a lot of time on that, in a way.... *g*
Anyway, in short, thank you very much!
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