Okay, here we go. Enjoy the new pics and don't forget to comment on here!!
Alright so first, these are from dinner at Vespa the week before I left for camp in the end of June.
me, Pace, Anshu, Suz and Meredith
me and Anshu
Meredith wearing her hot belt I bought her
Mer, Anshu, Suz, Pace
Dinner at Chuck'ems:
Rach and Molly with the $100 bill
Molly, really thirsty
me and Caitlin
Molly's Sweet 16! (thanks to everyone whose pics i stole!):
group of ladies
Charles and Ruth
Anna and Tyler
Anshu and Nora
Rachel and Michael (and me in the background, priceless)
Shannon, Kaley, Caitlin, me, and Meredith
this pic makes me happy
me and Anna
me and Molly, the birthday girl!
Meredith and Lillian
Katie and Ruth..just, yeahhh
there are no words
me and Charles in his hot red suit
Anna and Meredith, classic
me and my lover Ruth
guys,looking handsome
Caitlin, Katie, Ruth, Michael..hmm
Christina, Anshu, me, Anna, and Lillian by the food table, yesss
me hanging out with my favorite family
beautiful ladies
Nora, Tyler, Dannye
Rachel and Charles, matching
Ruth and Molly
you can observe kaley punching Anshu and Anshu's reaction all at once.
raptor fighting!!!
good times...even though i look pregnant in this picture
Ruth and Rach..who knows
Shei and Caitlin, so pretty!
Tyler and Barrett
the sophomores!
end of the party, getting a little excited about the party favors
Aaron and Molly swing dancing..whoop
me hitting on charles
and lastly, the ugliest picture of all time that i couldn't resist posting on here.
and now its time for BIO CREW PICTURES!! hell yes
Rach and Anshu, lab
lab group
Andrew and Nora
Anshu, single block, pre-Jesus picture taking
oh yes
And some pics from school...
me and Andrea!
me and Kaley at a volleyball game
Kaley and Marina
Tom, me, Tyler
Rachel on the way home from soccer, looking hot
me driving
Planet Smoothiiiiee
early in the morning, coffee in hand
and i decided to add a few from the D.C. trip also (thanks kaley!):
mentock and i at the cemetery
hottest picture of rachel, ever.
washington monument!
mentock,meredith,anshu,nora,will AT THE ZOO!
sleep Indian
on the balcony