I am thou...thou art I

Dec 27, 2011 12:19

Name: kaidou
Age: exact same age as one of the protagonists

【 Face Yourself 】
Please describe your personality: I think describing one's personality is rather difficult, since there will always be an incongruity between the image of the self as opposed to the image projected that is observed by others. In terms of my own self reflection, I feel that I'm a bit of a stoic who's pretty mild about most things and won't get worked up, but regards to some things that are of high importance, I'll get completely wrapped up in it, enough to end up tuning everything else out. I'd like to consider myself an intellect, although that could be an egoistical assumption. I'm certainly not a judge without bias of my own character, so I can't say for sure. I suppose the key point about my personality is that I appear really blank faced although I'm usually wrapped in thought. Even if I'm angry you probably won't be able to tell just by my body language, but once I open my mouth, it's pretty obvious. Still, I believe honesty works best with a pinch of tact, and will try to stand by that belief as much as possible. Of course given my voice usually lacks vibrant emotion as well, I'm able to keep up with it, I'd say.
Positive traits: Honest, calm, witty (or so people say, but it's probably due to my deadpan jokes I guess), focused, serious.
Negative traits: Low energy, easily bored, disinterested, irritable, anti-social pessimistic, cynical, distrusting, paranoid
Please list some of your dislikes: I really dislike people who are so disillusioned that they are the exact opposite of whatever virtue they claim to possess. I dislike ignorance, although I feel it's a bit unfair to dislike someone for something they don't know, which is more than often unintentional. I dislike people who are too obsessed about keeping face. I don't think there's anything socially incorrect with wanting to put out good impressions, but I don't like it when they're trying to force it down other people's throats. (ie. I'm this, I'm that, I don't like this I like that...) I think the reason that bothers me is that I don't really care for what people like, or dislike or have or don't have. It seems like a waste of energy to listen to when I'm disinterested. I don't like self-righteous people, and I dislike shallow arguments and frets. I'm a bit of a minimalist, so I have an aversion to anything excessive.
What is the first impression that you give others?: A bit intimidating apparently? I don't think it has anything to do with my physical appearance minus facial expression, since I'm unfortunately rather small in stature... I get easily tired out, so I avoid social confrontations and because I don't crack jokes in public often, I may give out the impression that I'm really strict or...stiff, perhaps.
How are you described by others?: Intelligent, cool, funny and stoic is what I've heard from people although I'm not sure if they were just trying to be courteous. I've also heard intense and grouchy but that's only in arguments or...early mornings.

【 Are you more... 】
A realist, an idealist, an optimist or a pessimist: A pessimistic realist. Not a very good combination, unless we're checking for malfunctions on an airplane....which is not my job.
Cautious or Impulsive: Cautious to a fault. I've caused myself stomach ulcers  from stressing myself out.
Calm or Hyper: I wish I had the energy to be hyper sometimes, but alas, my energy level is always at tired and ...thus calm.
Trusting or Cynical: Too cynical for my own tastes, really.
Emotional or Stoic: Stoic. I'm rarely emotional, although I am human and I do get emotional sometimes. It's just that it's rather rare.
Introverted or Extroverted: I'm rather introverted, as I've mentioned earlier.
Independent or Dependent: This is a bit tough. I'm independent when it comes to my own goals (work, study, etc) but when it gets to anything that's not in my top priority at the moment, I'm a bit dependent. I often forget to eat and sleep or rest, and consequently, not so independent.
Confident or Insecure/Doubtful: I'm a bit doubtful of my own abilities. I'm a bit of a skeptic on everything, so it's not that I think I lack skills in everything, I just am unsure if it's up to a level where one can be confident about it.

【 Face Your Destiny 】
What type of a leader are you? Are you easily influenced by other members of your group? Are you a leader who considers others' opinions a lot? Or maybe you prefer to rely on your own instincts and decisions the most?
Given it's a leadership and not a dictatorship, I'm more inclined to take everyone's opinions into account, although keeping in mind that a leader that is easily swayed is not a leader at all. I'll first ask everyone's opinions, then make a solid decision that will not be wavered unless there is clearly a substantial problem.
..What's going on? It seems you have been summoned to a place called Velvet Room and you have been welcomed by some weird guy called Igor. He tells you that you're special and some kind of a dangerous destiny awaits you. How do you react and what do you think about the whole situation?
Probably seem really spaced out, and then probably be inclined to ask why his nose is as long as my arm. As for the dangerous destiny, I'll probably to squeeze as much information I can out of him. Always helps to get some sort of head start.
It seems your destiny has begun. It seems you have made friends that are in your party and help you out. However, through the adventure, you need to fight enemies. It's the time to pick your element: Zio, Bufu, Agi, Garu -- which one will be your starting element and does it fit your personality?
Bufu. Chilly, sharp, and cleaner than the other elements. (in terms of residue)
Your party is in danger -- what do you, as a leader, plan on doing? Do you withdraw, or maybe you keep on fighting to the end despite the fact that your party members can get hurt?
Depends on how bad is the danger. If it's fatally dangerous, then I would withdraw immediately, as we can always come back if we do so to try again. However, if I see that the danger is at a point where it wouldn't be devastatingly debilitating, then I might encourage to keep fighting. It's important that one experiences a dangerous situation in a safer environment, so they may react better to an actual risky situation. If one were to constantly baby them, it could end up causing mass panic and unneeded damage when they are caught off guard.
Your adventure came to an end. How do you feel about it? Are you upset, happy or maybe indifferent it's all over so soon?
I'll feel happy due to the sense of accomplishment, but I'll probably be a bit disappointed until I find a new adventure.
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protagonist: minato arisato

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