I am thou... thou art I

Dec 26, 2011 23:43

Name: Silver
Age: 17

【 Face Yourself 】
Please describe your personality: I'm a determined and ambitious kind of person. I know what I want, and I'm willing to work to get there. I can be very "intense" and go-getter like, and I don't like to back down. When I get worked up, my temper flares. I also tend to rush into things A LOT, and sometimes you just have to wonder where I left my brain, lol. Despite having a relatively bold personality, I am a total social fail, doing the wrong thing at the wrong time. (I react like a moron, truly. XD Sometimes, inside I can be all, "OMG FUCK YEAH~", but instead I'll, like, forget to react or something, LOL. How's that for anti-climatic?) I'm not always confident, but I have a strong sense of self. At the same time, I'm FAR TOO neurotically anxious and worry about the most random stuff. I can seem serious, especially if I'm bored, but I have a definite silly switch that gets flipped very easily and once I'm like that, I'm crazy and random. Even if I don't show it, I tend to be very energetic. I'm a curious person and love to explore and learn. I'm also very sensitive sometimes (it annoys me greatly, lol). As for personality types, I'm an introverted ENFP lol yes, I know it's weird, but ENFP comes closest to describing me other than being social so just roll with it..., Spontaneous Idealist, and Enneagram Six (though I'm more counterphobic). I identify most with Aries, though I'm a Libra and have Libra traits too.
Positive traits: Strong-willed, driven, determined, intelligent, adventurous, honest, supportive, hard-working, analytical, energetic, loyal
Negative traits: Too intense, proud, defensive, anxious, envious, hot-tempered, paranoid, rash, not very social, impatient, domineering, blunt, abrasive, can be reckless
Please list some of your dislikes: Lying, cheaters, passiveness, losing, failure, being ignored/betrayed, homework, boredom, stress, being interrupted, excessive stupidity, having to cram 100 pages a night for a test, COLLEGE APPS.
What is the first impression that you give others?: Probably that I'm intelligent, smart, high-ranked, or something of the sort, judging by how people have literally come up to me and asked, "Hey, rank 1, what's your name?" I've also heard that people, when they first hear about me, get told to "DO NOT GET ON HER BAD SIDE, BEWARE HER TEMPER!" or something like that... Okay. Well. If they heard that, I guess they'd think I'm intimidating and intense as well.
How are you described by others?: Smart a good source for an answer key, apparently -_-, thoughtful, intimidating, nice, very ambitious and intense, quiet/introverted... LOL IDK OK. They seem to have varied opinions. My good friends have described me as energetic, determined, emotional, moody, impulsive and a loyal friend, plus a bunch of stuff that I use to describe myself. :)

【 Are you more... 】
A realist, an idealist, an optimist or a pessimist: I usually try to ultimately stay idealistic for the big picture (and usually get pessimistic about all the small stuff). Pessimistic idealist? XD
Cautious or Impulsive: Rather impulsive, but I know when to think too. When something is important, I can be very cautious about it. Still impulsive, but more cautious than I was before.
Calm or Hyper: Hyper when I'm around my friends/excited, appearing calm otherwise (but energized inside).
Trusting or Cynical: In between? It really depends -- while I usually tend to see the best in people, if it's a group project or something, DANG HELL NO I'M NOT TRUSTIN' YOU!
Emotional or Stoic: Mostly stoic on the outside, but very emotional inside. When it comes to emotions like excitement, I'll sometimes show them on the outside too.
Introverted or Extroverted: Introverted in the sense that I'm just quiet around people, though I'm not shy. CONVERSATIONS, I SUCK AT THEM OTL.
Independent or Dependent: Mostly, I'm fiercely independent with the whole DON'T HELP ME OMG thing (lol), but there's definitely some things I can get dependent about, haha.
Confident or Insecure/Doubtful: I'm confident about what I think I should be confident and proud about, but I can be quite insecure/doubtful as well, especially about certain things. In fact, inside I'm probably more doubtful than you'd think by looking at me.

【 Face Your Destiny 】
What type of a leader are you? Are you easily influenced by other members of your group? Are you a leader who considers others' opinions a lot? Or maybe you prefer to rely on your own instincts and decisions the most? Umm... okay, loaded explanation. First, this depends highly on the situation. Who's in the group? Are they my friends? Are they people that I can trust to be competent, perform to my standards? It might sound harsh, but if you're in my group and I'm leading, then we need to perform to a certain standard. If you can't handle it or can't keep up, then get out, or let me do it for you. Well, that's how I've always handle projects, at least. I always assume that if I want anything done right, then I need to do it myself, and that people are bound to mess things up, until they prove that they are trustworthy. If we're working on stuff together, I'll probably look closely over everyone's progress, too. I'm rather blunt and straight-forward, so I would probably be harsh in a group too if I'm dissatisfied with how something is done. On the other hand, I'm not so self-centered as to ignore everyone in the group. Of course, I'd give them the chance to say what they think, even if I might be hesitant to trust their ideas. If it sounds good and people like it, then we can go with that. Otherwise, it all depends on how strongly I feel about my own ideas. If it's something I feel very strongly/certain about, for example, then, well, it's not changing anytime soon. However, if these people are my friends or people whose competence I really trust, I'd act totally different. For one, I'd be more like my usual self with friends, which doesn't involve being whoa!dominant. Of course, I'd listen to my buddies, and though I'd still probably have strong opinions about some subjects, I'd also very much take into account their opinions. With friends, I prefer a camaraderie rather than just me leading people. If there's people in the group who are experienced in something, then I would also listen to them. Okay, sorry for the major tl;dr here.
..What's going on? It seems you have been summoned to a place called Velvet Room and you have been welcomed by some weird guy called Igor. He tells you that you're special and some kind of a dangerous destiny awaits you. How do you react and what do you think about the whole situation? Honestly? I'd be very excited, haha. I'm a rather adventurous person, so I'd kind of jump at the chance. Though, I might be a bit unsettled about this "destiny", but once I learned more about it, I'd probably get excited about it.
Your destiny has begun. It seems you have made friends that are in your party and help you out. However, through the adventure, you need to fight enemies. It's the time to pick your element: Zio, Bufu, Agi, Garu -- which one will be your starting element and does it fit your personality? That's a rather hard choice, actually. While Agi fits my personality perfectly - I can't count how many times I've pretty much been told that I'm ~fire incarnate~ - in terms of using elements, well, I love Zio as much as Agi, and I think it would be a cool element to use. Agi is definitely the best fit for my personality, though.
Your party is in danger -- what do you, as a leader, plan on doing? Do you withdraw, or maybe you keep on fighting to the end despite the fact that your party members can get hurt? This also depends on the exact situation. I'd have to analyze it before I could decide -- what are the odds for victory? How bad would we be hurt if we went through with it? What do we have to do to win? Of course, if it's a no-win situation, then I'm not stupid enough to go all-out suicide striking -- unless, of course, that's the intention because we've decided that it was the best way. If that's the case, then yes, I would withdraw. However, if there was a good shot of winning, then I would go for it -- try and prevent party members from getting hurt, of course, but then again, they know what they're in too, and I respect that of them. I admit, I do have a sense of honor when it comes to battles, but if it's hopeless and the smarter choice is obviously to withdraw, then I'll still withdraw. It's just very variable depending on the circumstances.
Your adventure came to an end. How do you feel about it? Are you upset, happy or maybe indifferent it's all over so soon? I'd be happy we were victorious (hopefully), but at the same time, I'd be kind of sad because... hey, it's the end of the adventure of a lifetime! I'd probably be trying to look for ways to have another adventure like it, really. I hate the ends of adventures like that. I'd somehow get everyone together again and try to have an adventure again... it can't just end like that, it can't! I'd be upset if I had to leave them unless they just pissed me off all the time or something.

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