"I am thou... thou art I"

Jan 05, 2012 14:41

Name: Saemir
Age: 22

【 Face Yourself 】
Please describe your personality: An introvert who loves people; I spend plenty of time with friends but inevitably collapse in the aftermath. *laughs* I like to think I'm more reliable than most, though I can get a bit flighty when pushed. Very, very slow to anger, but when I get upset it's something of a cold burn. And, despite that up-and-down list of traits, an optimist down to my toes. I love role playing games as well as reading, writing, singing... anything that involves language. Nature brings out my introspective side, speaking my diplomatic qualities, and while often deadpan, I'm never too serious to laugh at a joke. As it appears a few people have posted their star signs and enneagram numbers in this section... mine are Pisces, Year of the Serpent, and the Enneagram Nine.

Positive traits: Methodical, even-tempered, inquisitive, optimistic, supportive, imaginative, and witty.
Negative traits: Indecisive/over-thinker, nosy, possessive, hates to lose, and a compulsive liar.
Please list some of your dislikes: Being ignored or disregarded, hypocrites, bigots, frivolity, ignorant opinions, spelling/grammatical errors (I'm an English major, it happens), and living dolls.
What is the first impression that you give others?: Some people have called me cold and distant, or difficult to approach, but just as many have said I'm a perfectly nice/sweet/polite person. *shrugs* I suppose I'm the sort who can inspire very different responses?
How are you described by others?: ...Isn't this nearly the same question as before? Some people think I'm nice, friendly, funny, intelligent and/or devoted to my friends. Other people have found me cold, detached, inconsistent and/or passive-aggressive. But then no one's ever said they hated me, so I must be doing something right.

【 Are you more... 】
A realist, an idealist, an optimist or a pessimist: An optimist.
Cautious or Impulsive: Depends on the occasion - I'm cautious when the decision involves some kind of risk, and impulsive in the short term, when there's little to gain or lose.
Calm or Hyper: Normally calm, but I get the oddest boosts of energy whenever my friends are tired. They joke I'm like an energy vampire - or maybe just a sadist. *shrugs*
Trusting or Cynical: Trusting, but not gullible. "Never attribute to malice what can equally well be explained by stupidity." A bit blunter than I'd like, but you should get the idea.
Emotional or Stoic: I'm a very emotional person, though I internalize more than I show.
Introverted or Extroverted: An extroverted introvert.
Independent or Dependent: While I can, and have, lived on my own, I absolutely prefer to have a roommate. So... I guess that makes me independent enough to hold my own and dependent enough to dislike it.
Confident or Insecure/Doubtful: Outwardly confident, inwardly... another mix of the two. When I act confidently, I feel confident. But if I'm shot down by anyone... well, that confidence doesn't last very long.

【 Face Your Destiny 】
What type of leader are you? Are you easily influenced by other members of your group? Are you a leader who considers others' opinions a lot? Or maybe you prefer to rely on your own instincts and decisions the most? I'm more of a mediator. When faced with a group decision, I always, always, always consult the group. It's not my place to make others' decisions for them. What I will do is get everyone to focus on the problem at hand, to state their opinion or lack of an opinion, and then figure out what would satisfy the most people without leaving the others out. It can be challenging, but with persistence and attention there is always a way.

...What's going on? It seems you have been summoned to a place called Velvet Room and you have been welcomed by some weird guy called Igor. He tells you that you're special and some kind of a dangerous destiny awaits you. How do you react and what do you think about the whole situation? I'd ask plenty of questions (where am I?, how did I get here?, who are you?) while examining my surroundings, trying to use my own eyes to confirm what he said. 'A dangerous destiny'... that would make me even more cautious. I'd remain neutral until I knew exactly what this involved, and only then decide whether to react positively or negatively. I wonder if that's odd...

It seems your destiny has begun. It seems you have made friends that are in your party and help you out. However, through the adventure, you need to fight enemies. It's the time to pick your element: Zio, Bufu, Agi, Garu -- which one will be your starting element, and does it fit your personality? This one's rather tricky. I like fire types, but for personality I'd have to pick Zio or Bufu. Both feel 'sharper' than the wind or fire elements, more 'direct.' I might not be a direct person, but my fighting style is definitely head-on. Then, I also think of them as combination elements, somehow more 'complex' than the others. There are fire and light in electricity, water and air in ice, and I just like the mix. They interest me.

Your party is in danger -- what do you, as a leader, plan on doing? Do you withdraw, or maybe you keep on fighting to the end despite the fact that your party members can get hurt? What are the stakes? If the battle's important then the question is moot - we have to keep fighting. If it isn't that important, but I have enough items to keep everyone decently healthy, I'd also press on. But if it was an average random encounter, and supplies were low... I'd have no choice but to protect my party as we withdraw.

Your adventure came to an end. How do you feel about it? Are you upset, happy or maybe indifferent it's all over so soon? The more impact something has on your life, the harder it can be to let go - even if that thing is stressful or even painful to you. When I finished my senior thesis, I was so elated - I felt truly free, for the first time in over a year! But there was also such a sense of loss. It was the culmination of something I'd been planning for four years, and now that it was complete - I wasn't sure what to do with myself. I got over it in the end, but... I imagine the end of an adventure would feel something like that.

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