Name: Laura
【 Face Yourself 】
Please describe your personality:
Describing myself always makes me feel uncomfortable but... Well, as far as personality types go I am an
INTJ, a mix of
The Analytical &
The Independent Thinker, Type 1, and a Scorpio. I am someone very distant, secretive, serious and introverted. A quiet loner but I have also heard people saying I have strong opinions, however I voice my opinions usually only when it's needed or I discuss something. I am also not the type who will force my own opinions onto you because even if i don't agree with you, i most of them time will respect your opinion, especially if you're my friend even if i know i am right. I am rather anti-social and i dislike talking about myself most of the time, so yes, i keep to myself most of the time. I am quite cynical and I don't trust people, expect a very few i hold dear. Thanks to being a cynic, i have a cold outlook on a lot of things which makes people describe me as such but there are also those who say i have a somewhat strong sense of justice. As for myself, I think my views are simply very rational and i myself aren't as cold as people think, just not too emotional and someone who follows her brains rather than her heart. I'm also pretty critical, logical, easily annoyed, honest, stubborn, rational, loyal, practical, firm, reliable. I am someone who is quite collected and calm most of the time but my friends often like to remind me of my berserk button. It's easy to annoy me, but it's hard to make me angry (unless you really annoy me by default, lol) but once you do... Even though, i am not reckless nor impulsive. I am cautious about most of the things. What I say, what I do, how I do it etc. I almost always think twice before saying anything to make sure I don't make someone feel uncomfortable or not to hurt them/make them upset, unless that's my intention which it often is if you anger or bash me. I am bad with words when it comes to certain matters such as feelings so i often tend to say harsh and unfortunately it's not on impusle. I have been told I am good with arguments if i want to, not to be bold (though that's nothing to be proud about anyways) but it's also pretty easy for me to manipulate others... I guess you could describe me as a bit manipulative. Lastly, I am somewhat apathetic about most thing things but I can be quite passionate if i really care about something. I don't get too attached to people usually but if i really care about someone, they become very important to me and I'd always put them before myself even if I don't show it.
Positive traits: Independent, helpful to friends, strong-willed, honest, understanding, logical, thoughtful, cunning, somewhat determined (but not over anything and everything), patient, reliable, rational, realistic, collected, mature, good listener, observant.
Negative traits: Analytical, introverted, mischievious, perfectionist, private, sarcastic, smartass when annoyed, curious but not overly so, cautious, easily annoyed, rather stubborn but not overly so, serious, short-tempered, anti-social, calm with a berserk button.
Please list some of your dislikes: Mostly I dislike overly selfish, stupid, idiotic, fake, ignorant, shallow, annoying, clingy, way too talkative people. Also posers... and those who accuse others of something while they should look at themselves first. Well, pretty much all the nonsense people can come up with. Don't get me wrong, i am a pretty understanding person but when it comes to people acting different just to be seen as cooler or whatever, my understanding drops to 0. I also tend get very easily irritated when someone is far too impulsive and doesn't think before doing pretty much everything. I also dislike insects quite a lot, heights, not tasty food, when you push me into doing something I don't want to do, talk down on me, attack me for no reason etc.
What is the first impression that you give others?: I am often told that I come off as rather intimidating, cold, confident.
How are you described by others?: Most people see me as a distant loner who doesn't like to get involved with them too much. Mostly: sarcastic, somewhat snarky, too distant, cautious, smartass when annoyed, intelligent, "always in a bad mood", proud, intense in a subtle, non in-your-face, way. "Modest to the point where i hate people complimenting me". They also recently keep repeating I take everything too seriously.
【 Are you more... 】
A realist, an idealist, an optimist or a pessimist: A pessimistic realist, pretty much.
Cautious or Impulsive: Cautious.
Calm or Hyper: Calm.
Trusting or Cynical: Cynical.
Emotional or Stoic: Stoic.
Introverted or Extroverted: Introverted.
Independent or Dependent: Independent.
Confident or Insecure/Doubtful: I appear to be very confident but in reality I am quite doubtful inside. I do have things I am more confident about though.
【 Face Your Destiny 】
...What's going on? It seems you have been summoned to a place called Velvet Room and you have been welcomed by some weird guy called Igor. He tells you that you're special and some kind of a dangerous destiny awaits you. How do you react and what do you think about the whole situation? Huh? Now, that feels embarrassing. I'm out of here. Wait, how do I get out...
You are peacefully spending your time when something weird happens. You notice the whole town in which you live is changing and some weird monsters are on the streets. What is your reaction? Are you scared or excited? Do you run away just to be safe or are you planning on using your newly acquired powers to defeat them? I don't really panic so I would stay calm but on the inside I might be a bit worried if I didn't knew what are these. First I'd rather see if I can find some info on what are these instead of rushing into battles. That's said -- I would try to avoid them till I know what's going on, unless they get in my way and I had to defend myself or people who are with me.
Regardless of what you answered in previous question, you were forced to fight these monsters anyways. It's time to pick your weapon -- are you fine with anything or do you have preferences? If so then what would be your weapon of choice? I am not sure... I think I would be fine with any weapon as long as I would be good at using it and it wouldn't be too destructive, I could move freely/have control over my moves? I think different types of swords would fit me best but gloves, knives or bow would be alright too, I suppose? Sorry, I am no help here.
You've just moved to a new town where you know no one. How do you react? Do you actively seek out people to socialize with or do you keep to yourself? I would most likely keep to myself, as I do most of the time.
Some kind of organization offered you to join them. They say they get rid of Shadows and fight alongside with their personae which you also acquired. However, they also remind you it's pretty dangerous and you yourself know you might as well die if you don't get stronger. Do you join them without hesitating or perhaps you don't think it's worth your time? I would take some time to think about it and see if people are really in danger because of these Shadows. I am not the type to just... go out of my way to do stuff like that unless I really feel it's the right thing to do or I have no other choice so it all depends on circumstances.
Your adventure came to an end. How do you feel about it? Are you upset, happy or maybe indifferent it's all over so soon? I'd probably have mixed feelings about it. I'd definitely feel relieved and quite accomplished we have managed to finish it all by ourselves. Probably rather glad I can relax now however,I while I am not that kind of a person who likes adventures and such, I might be a bit disappointed since it probably added some spice into my life and hopefully we have spent some great moments together.
Any character you don't want? (Please don't pick more than one): Any character is fine.
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