Name: Natalie.
【 Face Yourself 】
Please describe your personality: My enneagram type is
The Loyalist. I am also a
Considerate Curator (though when I took the test again I got
Faithful Visionary, haha, I just still think that first type fits me slightly more) and
Dreamy Idealist i.e. IntrovertediNtuitiveFeelingPerceiving. My zodiac sign is Gemini, although I feel that Libra or Pisces could've fit me slightly better. I do think that Gemini fits me in a way that I have quite a lot of sides to my personality, nevertheless.
Let's see, now... I'm a person with a lot of flaws, the biggest one being my shyness, I may even seem anti-social to some; I really have trouble with talking freely to people at first, although afterwards I open up a little and become very fun and friendly. At least I hope I'm being fun, haha... well, people do tell me that I'm the best one to talk to :) I can sometimes be selfish, but still deep inside I care a lot about others, even though I don't always show it. I'm also very polite and I highly respect rules, even if at times I do think some of them are just meaningless, I think I would have been a good class president who wouldn't bother anyone who doesn't want to be bothered. I don't like depressing and sick things, such as cannibalism and murder in general, though I'm not ignorant and I do admit it exists and is a problem. I love fantasy, humour, romance and adventures. I'm also slightly
tsundere, when I think about it, because I get very easily embarassed when I talk about love or feelings and other things like that and I may not show my affection towards someone as openly as others. Let's just say I'm more of a shy tsundere type rather than outgoing tsundere type? I won't go around hitting the one I love, but I might give them the cold shoulder.
"Good advice. If I listened earlier, I wouldn't be here. But that's just the trouble with me. I give myself very good advice, but I very seldom follow it." - me in a nutshell.
Positive traits: Internally strong, imaginative, friendly, intelligent, funny (or I try to be, that is, haha), understanding, sympathetic, a peacemaker, curious, flexible, easygoing, thoughtful, warm, kindhearted, polite, conscientious, forgiving, honest, in a more gentle way. I try not to hurt people with the harsh or not so harsh truth unless I feel they deserve that.
Negative traits: Sensitive, anxious, feisty, distractable, lazy, sort of selfish/spoiled, stubborn, dependent, unfocused, initially guarded, impatient (to a point), slightly critical, finical, agreeable, bossy, spontaneous, unsure, petty, can be grumpy and prideful.
Please list some of your dislikes: Having to take a lot of medicine, which doesn't help the matter really, because I do have to take a lot of it still. Certain supporterts of gay rights or feminism or other "popular" cultures who seriously are losing it with taking everything way too seriously and not even letting others state their honest opinion; people who like to bring others down because they're not cool enough, in whatever sense; drugs, alchohol, having to breathe smoky air, boiled vegeatebles, bitter chocolate and bitter things in general, unfairness, having to listen to betchy authority, being left alone when all I want is to be with someone.
What is the first impression that you give others?: Err, I can't be too sure about that, but I think they see me as rather reserved, sad and quiet, someone who doesn't say much. A bit later, they'd probably start to suspect that I'm just shy, because I am actually very polite with others, I try to smile and laugh in the right places to not give off a completely wrong impression.
How are you described by others?: My family members tend to see me as kind, sheltered, naive, lazy, easily hurt and humorous. My real life friends see me in a lot of different ways, actually, from what I remember one of them said I was a very confident and cheerful person who likes to face problems and another said I was soft, kind, innocent and yet snarky. When it comes to my online friends, let's see... they often say I'm cute, I don't know why, honestly. Actually, that is something that can be applied to every single group I already mentioned, otl. Anyways, they also called me blunt, gutsy, funny and nice.
【 Are you more... 】
A realist, an idealist, an optimist or a pessimist: Realistic idealist :)
Cautious or Impulsive: Cautious usually, though in a moment of being ruled by emotions I can get impulsive, as well.
Calm or Hyper: Calm, so calm... unless I'm super excited about something or am in a very good mood.
Trusting or Cynical: It's really hard to answer, but I'm thinking slightly more trusting than cynical.
Emotional or Stoic: Stoic outside, emotional inside. More often than not, it shows... which is probably why I'm a bad liar.
Introverted or Extroverted: I hide my feelings a lot (sometimes successfully), but at the same time I'm very open with my close friends, I'll basically tell them anything as long as I feel they're willing to listen.
Independent or Dependent: Both in a weird way. I try to act independent around others (though to be completely honest, it rarely works out very well, lol), especially people I don't know, but inside I'm dependent. I don't know what I'd do without some of my friends and my family, they're too important to me to ever lose without it having a huge impact on my world.
Confident or Insecure/Doubtful: Insecure/doubtful for sure.
【 Face Your Destiny 】
...What's going on? It seems you have been summoned to a place called Velvet Room and you have been welcomed by some weird guy called Igor. He tells you that you're special and some kind of a dangerous destiny awaits you. How do you react and what do you think about the whole situation? ... uh, I'm sorry, mister, but taking drugs is illegal as far as I remember. Yeah, it might seem boring, but I usually try to stay on the realistic side of things, so I'd probably laugh it out and think it's some kind of prank. I guess eventually I would have to take it seriously, and when that time comes I believe I would be determined enough to face my destiny!
You are peacefully spending your time when something weird happens. You notice the whole town in which you live is changing and some weird monsters are on the streets. What is your reaction? Are you scared or excited? Do you run away just to be safe or are you planning on using your newly acquired powers to defeat them? OMG ZOMBIES, EVERYONE HIDE. Haha, I don't know, I would certainly be very scared and would probably require some support from my friends, but I'm hoping eventually I would get myself together and use my powers in order to protect the ones I love.
Regardless of what you answered in previous question, you were forced to fight these monsters anyways. It's time to pick your weapon -- are you fine with anything or do you have preferences? If so then what would be your weapon of choice? Honestly, I'm not too big on weapons, I actually kind of dread the thought of hurting anybody mentally, let alone physically... but I guess in such a situation, I'd have to be strong and just choose a weapon already, haha. I'm thinking of a bow, perhaphs, as it's long-distance so I wouldn't have to be too stressed out by the damage I've done and it looks kind of cool, as well. I wouldn't mind wielding a rapier, either, and at one point in my life I even really wanted to study fencing, I find myself rather fascinated by that sport!
You've just moved to a new town where you know no one. How do you react? Do you actively seek out people to socialize with or do you keep to yourself? Can I choose both? I would probably observe the actions of the people I meet, but at the same time keep to myself because I'm just very shy that way, I rarely speak first. Though if anybody does speak to me, I don't hesitate to be friendly and try to make them like me somehow, haha.
Some kind of organization offered you to join them. They say they get rid of Shadows and fight alongside with their personae which you also acquired. However, they also remind you it's pretty dangerous and you yourself know you might as well die if you don't get stronger. Do you join them without hesitating or perhaps you don't think it's worth your time? Depends on the threat of those Shadows. If it's really dangerous for the world, I would probably join that organization if I was sure of them being reliable enough.
Your adventure came to an end. How do you feel about it? Are you upset, happy or maybe indifferent it's all over so soon? I would be upset for sure, considering in the games I've played the protagonists had to leave their groups by the end of the game... so yeah, I would definitely be sad and try to stay a while longer, at least. Usually when I leave even one person I love, my mood starts dropping so low that one might think I'm depressed or something, parting is extremely difficult for me.
Any character you don't want? (Please don't pick more than one): Nanako, I'm not nearly as perfect as she is potrayed as.
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