And May may be finished

Jul 07, 2006 13:10

Compared to jesterday's crazy complicated update, adding Memoriäl Day Montreäl was a breeze. I'd dealt with all the three-computer issues then, so I just had t'add a link to the map (I'd already added the name), shift things around a bit among the recent matches, and a row to th'archive.

Sometimes I pretend a page isn't all about croquet when there's just two non-croquet-related images, as in the two most recent matches. Anyway, the savvy user will note that I've placed the Montréal photos at "/Montreal/Drapeau/", allowing myself t'add more Montréal visits later without having to shuffle things around. Finally, I sometimes spell't Montréal and sometimes Montreäl, but there's not really much to it. On the title of this page, for example I just like how the diäreses matched those in Memoriäl. One method I'll never use is Montréäl, which is just too much, even for me.
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