Pineapples don't grow on trees
Name: Emily
Age: 16
Sex: Female
AIM SN: x ocean dreamer
diddy988@aol.comSexual Orientation: Straight
Picture: I don't have one at the time because we had to reboot our computer from the beginning so everything was lost. I hope that's okay for now.
Books: Let's see, I read a lot. But my favorites would have to be 1984 by George Orwell, Great Expectations by Charles Dickens, The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath and Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen. I prefer "classic" novels over a lot of the books written today that are supposed to be directed towards teens.
Authors: Jane Austen, Oscar Wilde, Gustave Flaubert, Dorothy Parker, Ernest Hemingway. Like I said, I read a lot. My list just goes on and on.
Movies: The Shining, The Notebook (my new favorite), Footloose, Matchstick Men, I Am Sam, Dirty Dancing, Finding Nemo, Scotland PA, In America and the Harry Potter movies.
Television shows: ER, Gilmore Girls, Summerland, Everwood, Alias, American Idol, Survior. I get hooked on tv shows pretty easily as long as they can hold my attention.
Clothing stores: I'm not the biggest fan when it comes to shopping but when I do, I like American Eagle, Kohl's (nice, cheap prices!). I'm not really that picky, if I like it i'll buy it, regardless of where it's from and considering I can afford it.
Bands: Most of my answers for this are different then the majority of applicants I think. I'm a HUGE fan of classic rock bands; stuff from the 60's and 70's. The Beatles, Jimi Hendrix, The Doors, The Who, Bob Dylan, Jefferson Airplane, Rolling Stones, Red hot chili peppers, etc. I could go on and on again. As for other music, I like Matchbox Twenty, Goo Goo Dolls, Maroon 5, Dave Matthews Band. I am pretty open to music, everything from rock to country. The only thing I don't like is rap.
Songs: All you need is love, Sexy Sadie, Hard Day's Night, A day in the life, Come Together, Californication, Space Between, She will be loved, Love the one you're with, Talk shows on mute, etc. There's way to many for me to go on.
Slang: I don't care for slang at all.
Colors: Yellow, Orange, Green, Blue, Red.
Drinks: Water, Lemonade, Pepsi twist, Pineapple soda, etc.
Plays: Romeo and Juliet, A midsummer nights dream.
Musicals: Footloose, Grease.
President Bush: At this point I don't think I agree with his choices and the way he is leading our country. Then again, I do think that immediatly following September 11th, he helped and handled things well. I don't agree with his reasons in going into war with Iraq, but now that it's started I don't think we have a choice but to finish. I think that much of his reasons for going into war were to try and finish what his father set out to do first. If I was 18, I don't think I would vote for him.
Reality TV: I'm personally a fan. I know that it's not all "real" and that much of it is planned. I don't really care, because either way to me it's entertaining. I like Survivor and Fear Factor, however I think there are a few too many reality dating shows. I watched the Bachelor, but some of the shows are getting to outrageous and seem boring and wrong.
Abortion: I don't go around shouting that i'm all for abortion but i'm not against it. I think that a women's body is her own and no one, not even the president, should be aloud to make laws prohibiting it all together. I think that maybe, there could be a limit. After a certain point, I think someone is able to make up their mind about whether or not they want to continue with their pregnancy.
Gay Marriage: I'm all for it! If you're in love and want to be married, then there should be no president or law against it. It should be a right, that we as Americans have.
Labels: I try not to assume people are classified into certain categories by the way they act or dress, etc. Doing that to people is immature and I find it annoying. Especially if it hurts someone's feelings. Not everyone wants to be "categorized" and/or shunned because they're "not cool" or something.
MTV: They play to much rap for me. I used to like it a lot. TRL used be one of my favorite shows, but now they seem to play the same things too much. I do however, watch some of the shows like True Life and Made.
Michael Jackson: Actually, I like some of his music. I think that some things he does are blown out of proportion though. I don't really know whether he is guilty or not and I don't really have any opinion about it. But I do think the media focuses to much on his image and that annoys me.
The Media: The media does a great job of what they set out to do. Blow things out of proportion and set out to make people happy when they can get some good gossip on a celeb whether it's good or bad. They could spend their time in more useful ways, like covering interesting, truthful news. But they want to give what their viewers like to hear, and most of the time people like seeing a celeb fail at something.
The Meat Industry: I eat meat, i'm not a vegetarian nor have I ever thought about being one. I think that being a vegetarian is great though, more power to them. I just couldn't do it. I don't eat meat all the time because there's only so much you can do or eat with meat. I don't however, care to think about where the meat is packaged or anything. If I did, i'd probably think twice about eating it.
The Modeling Industry: I think they get a bad rap a lot of the time. However, I would love to see more models that aren't size 0's and that actually look like the majority of Americans do. I'm not against it though. If they like what they're doing, then that's great.
Fashion Magazines: I don't care for them much. I don't read them and try to immitate how a model or someone in the magazine looks. It's a waste of time.
Suicide: Personally i've never thought about it. I've never known anything bad enough to take my own life because of. I think that a lot could be resolved though, if some of the bullying in schools and these expectations that our peers set for us, were destroyed. But it's definitely something to take seriously, I think, no matter who the person is.
Religion: I believe in a God, but i'm not a religious person. I do however think that every religion should be recognized and no one should be shunned for believing something different than someone else.
Downloading Music: I download music sometimes. I think that CD's are too expensive but I do buy them as well. It really doesn't cost a lot to make a CD and a lot of singers make a lot more than people think and that downloading their music isn't going to put them out on the streets.
Astrology: I think it's fun sometimes, but I don't make decisions based on what my "best days" are of the month. I don't wait for "this months love" or anything. If I see mine i'll read it, but I don't pay much attention to it.
Death Penalty: If someone is proven guilty of murder with enough evidence to back it up then I am all for the death penalty. If someone can take someone elses life on purpose, I don't think they should live.
College: I cannot wait until college. I've been thinking about it since I was 10 and that's not a joke. I'm completely serious about it and want nothing more than to further my education. I think that someone with a college education has more oppurtunity than someone without but it's up to the person and it depends on what they want to do.
Racism: I think it's highly overlooked in today's society as something that went away years ago. Maybe a lot of it did, but it is so prominent and people don't really notice. I cannot stand people being racist towards someone because of their skin color, or their culture or anything.
Codeless LJers: I know a lot of people who went in to LJ without codes. It's easier if you want to have multiple journals. One for personal use, one for icons maybe? I don't really care either way.
Plastic Surgery: It's your body, do whatever you want. But I don't care for the whole thing. However, if it makes you feel better about yourself or something happend to you that was disfiguring or something then I say go ahead. I personally wouldn't do anything now, only if something were to happen that traumatized me or something.
Premarital Sex: If you think you're old enough to have sex, then by all means, go ahead. I'm trying to wait, but just for my own personal sadisfaction, not for any religious reasons or anything. As long as your as safe as possible and well aware of the consequences it could bring, then I don't see it as wrong. It would be better if you were in love though.
Profanity in Music: I don't really listen to a lot of music that has profanity in it. It does get annoying though on the radio when they have to bleep out all of the words or anything. It just doesn't make sense to me, that if the majority of words are profanity and bleeped out, that you would think the song sounded good.
Most Overrated Band: Hmm, I don't know.
Most Overrated Trend: I don't know, I just can't stand it when people try to conform to be like other people and not themselves.
Most Overrated Show: I don't mind them, but many of the shows such as the OC and things I think are a tad overrated. I really don't know though.
Most Overrated Movie: Lord of the Rings
Most Overrated Singer: Britney Spears
Situations - ** In Progress **
If someone was in front of you in the check out line at the grocery store and they kept talking to the clerk what would you do?: I'd probably wait patiently for a few minutes and see what happend unless I was in a hurry. Then i'd either move to a different line, or politely ask the person if I could quickly get through because i'm in a hurry.
You just found out your father has cancer and it's not going to be able to be cured. How do you react?: I would be shocked and probably in denial for a while. But then as soon as it really hits me I know i'd be sad and angry. I just would want to spend as much time as I could with him and the rest of my family so that we'd have as many memories to look back on.
Self Image
Personality wise, what do you think your best quality is, and why?: I think I have a decent sense of humor and i'm fun to be around. I'm barely ever in a bad mood. I like to have fun, but I also know when to be serious.
Personality wise, what do you think your biggest flaw is and why?: I think I can be to harsh on myself, especially when it comes to school and things. I tend to critisize myself and always say that I could have done better.
What do you feel you can add to the community?: Truth I think. I'm not scared to let people know what I think or how I feel. What you see is what you get. I don't try to be someone that i'm not.
What do you see yourself doing in 10 years?: In ten years I hope to be finishing up med school and starting my actual career in medicine.
Tell us something else about yourself that this survey hasn't covered: I want to travel. Primarily outside of the United States to underpriveliged countries where I can help the people with disease. I feel very passionate about the AIDS pandemic and disease control in Africa and other countries and I think once i've established myself as a doctor that I could help other people that aren't fortunate enough to be around adequate medical practices.