ART: HP/SS: Lucky

Feb 12, 2007 22:44

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Comments 9

glockgal February 13 2007, 05:06:55 UTC
Nuwwwaaaaahhh! THe smoochy and hugging! I am such a sucker for poses where limbs just look all entangled in such an affectionate way. I love Snape's out-of-control eyebrows and the way Harry's giggling - I can practically hear his little chuckle of delight.

I'm full of delight! Watercolour + happygoodtimes + Snape/Harry + Coellart = YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!


coell February 13 2007, 05:16:36 UTC
LOL - I am so glad you noticed Snape's out-of-control eyebrows! Everytime I draw him, I try to make them extra long. I have a thing for old-man-crazy-eyebrows. XD


xerofilter February 13 2007, 08:45:57 UTC
we are going to get you THEE best therapy vegas has to offer.


pervart February 20 2007, 03:40:05 UTC
May I admit to being a serial killer ... and then kill him?


cnary_crem_dght February 13 2007, 11:52:35 UTC
I feel kinda bad that 90% is dark and violent -- but maybe I'm drawn to it because myself in real life is so not like that! I'm actually quite kind and docile. So I'm making an effort to draw happier, more consensual art.

But then who will be my partner in crime? *sniff*

Anyways I do like this drawing. =D tis very cute, and there is always something nice about the cleanliness and simplicity of your line.


pervart February 20 2007, 03:41:53 UTC
Thank you!!! I still have tons to learn, but I'm happy to be picking up a trick or idea with each one. They're slowly getting better!

I shall always be your partner in crime re: porn, ma'am(s).


(The comment has been removed)

pervart February 20 2007, 03:42:03 UTC
Thank you!!


sappybeaver February 13 2007, 20:39:39 UTC
Aww this is a cute one. I like the expression on Harry's face.


pervart February 20 2007, 03:42:12 UTC
Thank you!!


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