Meme "Seven Questions"

Feb 29, 2012 10:35

Meme: "Seven Questions"
Author: pet0511
Questions asked by: pam81.

”Seven Questions”

I got my questions from Pam. Feel free to join in, ok?
Here we go….

1- What's your favorite song of all the time?
I don´t have an all-time-favourite song. I always have one at the time and play it like a million times but then, suddenly, I´m done with it and have a new one.

2- The best fanfic you've ever read?
This question is impossible to answer. I went through my reading list in order to find an answer that but as much as I would love to - I just can´t. Over my first year here I had this thought so often, this “OMG, that´s really the best fic I ever read!” But then I realized that this is a never ending story because the fandom is blessed with so many brilliant stories in different categories… I can choose, depending on my mood, and will always find one I could name as “The Best”.

3- What is your big weakness?
My pride.

4- What was your favorite subject at school?
The time I spent outside of it with my BFF .

5- The best memory of your childhood?
Some summer vacations on an island in the Northern Sea.

6- The most beautiful place you've visited?
I have been too many extremely utterly beautiful places. It´s always subjective, isn´t it? But all my most beautiful places were/are at an ocean, whether it is on a Hawaiian Island or on Sicily. The place I´m feeling connected with the most still is - for many years now - the coastline of La Jolla, California.

7- The craziest thing you've ever done?
I don´t think I´ve ever done anything what would fit in your meaning of “crazy”, crazy in a more funny way. So let´s go with odd or unusual, ok? That would be the moment when I rejected the offer for a good, safe and unlimited job and opened my own business instead.

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