Jun 04, 2006 05:36

The last two days were unbelievable.

Un... believable.

Between a sweet-tempered mage's elixir and a rough slap few enlightening words from short-stuff, I feel much better. Thank you.

My rational voice begs me to let it be, but I sincerely hope I run into him again.

It might take longer than I thought to overcome how defiled I feel. This cut far deeper than I was prepared for. I wonder why? Conceit aside, maybe it isn't worth seeking the answers to an assault that made no sense to begin with.

The kids are here. All three of them.

Two of them being my purpose for attempting something so rash as traversing the Gate in the first place...

It's good to see them reunited.

It fills me with a sense of reason too.

I can only do as much as they will allow me. I can only come as far as arm's reach when it comes to Fullmetal, but it won't stop me from doing what I always have.

Looking after them.

With that dramatic nonsense behind me...

Now that I am in tip-top shape, I do believe I have a couple sober matches to win don't I?

Do you really want to see me in a miniskirt, Fullmetal?

Things to Do:
- measure Fullmetal for nonexistent growth
- buy Fullmetal a step stool
- incinerate Fullmetal
- kick Axel's ass meet and compare techniques with another firestarter
- schedule date meeting with Miss van Winkle
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