Your first Herbology assignment will be both practical and written. Based on the fact that many of you do not find herbology...useful,this will potentially show you more practical applications.
Although...I doubt some of you will ever understand it...
OOC: Right, so basically depending on your year you're going to be given a plant, specifically a plant that yields a spice. For the earlier years it will be straight forward, but for the upper years it will be more tricky. For example, 7th years will be receiving a small ginger plant (and yes you need to tell which part of the plant people actually use to spice things), but ginger is also used in Wit-Sharpening Potions. To get full credit, you're going to have to know both. The written part of the assignment will be just telling Endrance basic information on the plant.
** BTW, for ALL THE YEARS. Endrance is NOT going to tell you what type of plant youre getting, so youre gonna have to figure it out!
1st and 2nd years:
Bay Plant. Really simple, you can just get Bay Leaves from the...well leaves.
3rd and 4th years:
Vanilla plant. Simple again but hopefully not as obvious, vanilla comes from the pods of the vanilla plant. Better pay close attention to the plant though, vanilla pods are only viable for one day, so if you're student isn't too vigilant, they might miss the vanilla!
5th and 6th: A mustard plant. Simple, right? Well
this is what you be gl figuring out that, yes that actually is what a mustard plant looks like! Mustard comes from the seeds as you know, but if youre looking for brownie points (or have a char whos a cook), mustard leaves are also made into mustard greens.
7th years:
Ginger. Ginger comes from the root, but the most important part will be: KNOWING that ginger has a magical use as well! IF youre char doesn tknow this (whether bc they fail at potions or herbology) they'll prolly fail.
NAME:HOUSE:YEAR:How did they do in the practical part? (Could they identify the plant? If so, could they procure the spice? for the 7th years: Did you realize ginger has 2 uses?)
Written Assignment:(Did they actually write out neatly all the details and biology of the plant? Or did they BS it, or not bother/get around to this part at all?)
THIS IS DUE NEXT WEDNESDAY! 23rd. IC however, you guys have some short amount of time do this, lets say 48 HOURS. Bc Endy is a meanie. Btw, im guessing hogwarts does comment cards and im guessing very few of your chars care about herbology, so im sure he got a lot of those comments
Whew that was a lot. This year you ACTUALLY will be get grades at the end of the terms as im plugging these all into excel.