.... U-um.
I think I'll stay inside today. I must've caught a cold from all that snow! It's too bad it's gone, right~? So, if um, someone could look after the flowers for me, that'd be nice.
I'm sick of this, I'm sick of this, I'msickofthis,idon'twantititisn'tFAIR. I, I'm supposed to be alive now! Is this--is this some sick City joke, let me breathe and my heart beat for awhile, and then take it away, take it all away?!
It-it's like it was all leading up to this -- first pieces of BODIES everywhere and then ZOMBIES and now I am a zombie, I smell like them!!! My hair's coming out!! My skin's falling off, it's coming off... onto the keys... it's sticking to the keys
it's disgusting, I'm disgusting, I'm disgusting.
I'm so gross, I'm so gross.
[ooc: and her door is SO locked ;D ]