Results gotten from: Surprisingly accurate, although I disagree with them on a few points. Other people should try this too to see what they get!
Personality Description
To begin the analysis, the subject's handwriting shows more of a fluency and flow than the average script. The writing impulse is unbroken and the words sweep forward with relative ease. This released writing indicates a generally easy-going and less conformist attitude than the average. The subject will prefer the unusual to the familiar, and will be more likely to express her emotions and feelings than a writer with restrained script.
The pressure used throughout the script is average in intensity, indicating that the subject is able to maintain a balance between too much activity and too great a degree of lethargy. As a result, she lacks the intense drive and enthusiasm shown by writers with heavy pressure, but will be equally tolerant of inactivity in those who use a lower pressure in their script. She will be good at working methodically at the more routine tasks.
There are a number of signs of aggression throughout the handwriting, and these characteristics point to a moderately aggressive personality.
As the writer has a high IQ, the chances are that aggression, when shown, will normally be expressed verbally, with sarcasm, caustic remarks and mockery.
When aggression is expressed indirectly, the subject will feel a need for revenge if slighted. She may harbour a grudge, while waiting for the appropriate moment to get her own back.
A small proportion of missing 'i' dots in the script indicates that the subject has mild tendencies towards an independent personality. She will be reasonably self-sufficient and resourceful individual who prefers to make her own decisions. She will be more cheerful resilient and placid than most, and be less concerned with the opinions of others. She can cope with crises, but prefers to be alone at times of emotional stress. She is less likely to want to be part of a group or movement if this interferes with her independent preferences.
The comparative height of the capital letters to the ascenders in the script indicates that the subject has a mildly assertive personality. She is more confident and perhaps dominant in relationships, and finds it easier to strike up a conversation with strangers. She is likely to speak out forthrightly and can defend herself quite well if under attack. In a quarrel she could argue quite openly to defend her rights. She is more likely to complain about shoddy goods or poor service.
She will also make a good host and can liven up a party.
She would make a good leader, but may be intolerant of other people if their views clash with her own. She prefers to be taken seriously and may become irritated if she is not.
The handwriting is very simplified, and this indicates that the subject is highly intelligent (scoring 4 out of a possible 5 in the IQ categories). She has the intellectual capacity that would enable her to be successful in a career such as accountant, lawyer, doctor or university lecturer.
Emotionally, the subject may have a tendency to worry more than the average person, perhaps appearing somewhat nervous and excitable. She may not only worry about everyday problems, but over extreme and unlikely events.
There are some indications within the handwriting of compulsive behaviour.
Compulsiveness is an anxiety reducing strategy in which the subject makes a ritual out of many of the most trivial aspects of life. When attempting to solve problems which cause anxiety, she will attempt to do so by constant and repetitive efforts. This will be maintained, even if the problem turns out to be insoluble.
Such an exaggerated determination means that the subject is often regarded by others as being conscientious. However, because of these rigid problem solving strategies she finds it difficult to look at problems from a fresh angle and to consider a different method of approach. Often, this rigid problem solving procedure, whether at work or in personal relationships, is not an attempt to reach a solution but a defence reaction. Typical compulsions are checking the doors and windows a prescribed number of times each night, even if one check would be sufficient, worrying about 'bad' thoughts for fear that they will come true, and checking and re-checking every piece of work to avoid any possibility of mistake. All these, and many other forms of compulsive behaviour are best summed up as 'not being able to leave well alone'.
At present, the subject's level of compulsive behaviour is probably a mild inconvenience, but it could prove to dominate her existence. This should be taken as a warning sign to take life rather less seriously, to strive for less perfection, precision and order, and to relax more often.
There are cases of isolated ambiguity throughout the script which shows that the subject is over-concerned with concealment. She is attempting to cover up, and keep aspects of her personality or private life hidden from view or cloaked in mystery.
This type of handwriting is found in professions which demand a high degree of confidence keeping, such as lawyers, bankers and doctors.
It is wrong to interpret isolated ambiguity as a sign of a deceitful personality, but it does show a need for the subject to hide some part of her personality or background which may cause embarrassment or anxiety.
There are a few indications in the handwriting that, at the time of writing, the subject was suffering from mild stress. This may be temporary, for example if she was upset, tired, or working against a deadline. However, the subject may be living at an unacceptable level of stress, one which is beginning to affect her physical well being.
These are warning signs in the handwriting, and indicate that the subject should pause and reflect on those aspects of her lifestyle which may be causing long-term difficulties. She should try to reduce them whenever possible, relax more frequently, check her diet, and perhaps take more exercise. Stress can be beneficial, but if allowed to get out of control, it may prove a hazard to mental and physical health.