Admit it. You don't like dancing.

May 14, 2006 01:08

Final thoughts. I apologize if you don’t agree ( Read more... )

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Comments 7

jeremy anonymous May 15 2006, 02:20:05 UTC
big d


anonymous May 16 2006, 22:19:21 UTC
I like to dance and you got pretty into it also



anonymous May 16 2006, 22:20:09 UTC
...although I had to force it



jeremy anonymous May 18 2006, 02:13:43 UTC
"Never trust a man who dances."


Andrew anonymous May 26 2006, 03:43:44 UTC
I dance bitch!


Andrew anonymous May 26 2006, 03:49:05 UTC
Being depressed will not make you stronger. It is hell. I was depressed today, it was shitty. I was depressed during the second half of my semester and almost fucked myself. It was shitty. I was depressed through a lot of my high school career. It was shitty. Fix it if you can, it helps. Being depressed = not hanging out with friends, not socializing, being bored sitting in your room alone doing absolutely nothing and knowing you are doing nothing yet you still won't do anything. It comes in waves and the waves suck. Destroy the waves, live on a lake.

Blah, you don't need to listen, it's just my two cents from experience. Meds help.



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