stamped as john ; Lost Boys theme

Jul 18, 2010 15:04

Name: Laura
Since we respect the LJ code, are you over 13?: yes
Previously stamped as: John
Hobbies: I love reading. I'm a bookworm! My favorite book ever is "the picture of Dorian Gray" by Oscar Wilde. This book is really amazing; great writing, it made me never wanna stop reading and i could relate to the feelings of the main characters
Strengths: I'm very loyal but that loyalty comes with time and my trust must be earned. I'm very determined. When I set my mind on something I usually get it, because I see nothing but my goal and I'm not satisfied until it's done and failure is not an option. I think I'm intelligent.Actually I think I'm not stupid. I think with my own head, I don't get fooled easily and I can decide things by myself. I had good grades at school, but I think that intelligence is not based on school records. I think an intelligent person is someone who has good problem solving skills in the real world. I'm very adventurous. I have done a little travelling but I would like to do a lotmore! I love to travel because there are so many places and people to meet and explore, so many things too see and learn.And I'm a daydreamer and can be random at times
Weaknesses: I procastinate a lot and always regret it.Somehow I always end up doing other stuff than I should be doing. And I always leave my work to the last minute. And normally I don't think things through, and I'm too impulsive for my own good. I used to be always in trouble when I was younger because of my impulsivity. I'm still impulsive and that's part of my nature, but now I'm more cautious and thoughtful in the things I do in public.

What people like most about you: Probably the fact that I'm good at understanding others. I really think it's far more easy to understand others than myself.

This or That

Leader or Follower: I consider myself a leader, mostly because I have very strong ideas and opinions and the problem is that I don't like to follow. But there is nothing wrong in being a follower though. People always say I'm a good leader and I'm good at leading people and taking the initiative to get the job done
Optimistic or Pessimistic: I'm very pessimistic, I always expect the worst. I know being pessimistic isn't a good thing but I can't really help myself
Mature or Immature: I used to be very immature, but I'm not sure anymore. I don't think I am mature neither. I think I'm a mixture, because I could have my childish moments but I could have my adult moments as well (to be honest I think I'm slightly more immature).
Pleasure or Sacrifice: Somewhere in between
Confident or Shy: Confident
Selfless or Selfish: Selfless
Introverted or Extroverted: Extroverted
Rule or Be Ruled: Rule

The Lost Boys (will not affect voting!)

Which Lost Boy is your favourite?: I like them all
Which of the Lost Boys do you think you are most like?: Foxy
Which of the Lost Boys do you think you are least like?: Cubby

Peter Pan

Favourite character and why?: Tinkerbell, I like her attitude
Least favourite character and why?: Wendy
Anything else you'd like to add?: thanks

Include a photo of yourself here (no more than 3!) or just describe yourself:

!needs votes

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