what is the most embarrassing typo youve ever made? mine had to be parents instead of partners...
but yep. you guessed it. the cut tag means its time to update again. i think everyone dreads when its their turn to update but really, its our own fault. we can make this easier on ourselves. there are plenty of ways, such as starting early and working on it over three weeks, or here is another clever way to get out of the update blues: i was talking to jared the other day and he said hes done a couple update for birthdays, and he doesnt know when his next real update will be since he has another birthday coming up to update for. and i thought about it, like, wow. this man is a genius. and just think if you updated for EVERYONE in the communitys birthday. even people you dont know. you could start out with "i only saw you on tv, but..." or "we havent even spoke yet but i got a birthday reminder that its your birthday- and what better time to start talking than on YOUR birthday!" and the person logs in and doesnt know what to think. youve surprised someone, maybe even made their day- AND gotten away without having to do a real update.
thats a picture from a fan at soundcheck yesterday. everything with fall out boy is going great, the album is coming along pretty smoothly minus the fight patrick and i had a few days ago. i think its pretty much tradition for us to fight during the recording of a cd. luckily (or unluckily as most people do hate our band) we have made it out alive each time. we also played a few secret shows in chicago over the weekend, one to 100 people and one to 17,000 people. i really, really miss touring and live shows. wow. your blood almost feels different when youre on stage, your body. i remember who i am and where i started when im on stage, especially in my hometown. familar faces still there all these years later, they havent turned their back on you. sometimes i think its the only time i really feel alive.
maybe its just being in chicago too, its the place i grew up at, and i moved out to los angeles mostly to get away from one girl but she wouldnt be an issue in my being here anymore. i miss my hometown but im willing to stay out in los angeles as long as i have to for the sake of the baby. after about a year or so itll probably be safe to raise them somewhere else, continue my career in chicago. i already have angels and kings there, and the clandestine industries clothing shop. but as far as los angeles goes i dont think its a good place to raise a child. its lost its charm to me. when i first moved out i wanted to be at every party, but now you have to drag me out of the house. it was a good place for me to record and further my career at the time, but i dont want to have my child growing up thinking its normal to take a walk in the park and have people taking pictures of him or her. it never phased me growing up and seeing pictures in magazines but the paparazzi are insane. especially in los angeles. they do not care where you are, they will follow you around. ive been stopped at the gas station, at doctors appointments, even walking around drinking starbucks (hey you gotta soak up as much of that shit as you can while theyre still around). i dont mind it when theyre nice, i get that theyre just doing their job and trying to make a quick buck, but you get a lot of mean paparazzi, pushy paparazzi. and i definitely dont want to have to subject my child to that. i cant even imagine how scary they would be to a child.
i should do this weeks update challenge since it clearly affects my life as much as dental care does: gossip. the whole "art" if you want to call it that, of gossip is amazing, really. like sometimes you think they put a bunch of names in two hats, come up with a situation and go from there. and gossip collumns always are biased by who they favor. like some rag on amy winehouse (actually i think they all do... including my favorite blogger- kanye) but praise everything that another star does. look at how they are to britney- they dont like to see you turning your life around. they tear you down so that all your accomplishments feel like nothing and you go back to your old ways. drinking, boozing, drugs, divorces and driving with your kid in your lap sells issues, not turning your life around. i think as much as people want to see the underdog win, they enjoy kicking him on his puppy nose all the way back down a lot better.
when it all comes down to it... you know how you feel, but you can never know how anyone else ever really truly feels about you. try not to sweat it. if someone is nice to you but doesnt really like you it isnt your problem. it is theirs.
rumors are really just opinions. its how someone sees something, not always how it really is. its really funny how things work- if you talk to no one and stay in all the time youre a hermit, you hate everyone, youre an antisocial waste of space. if you talk to everyone youre trying too hard and you want everyone to like you. you talk to the popular people only and youre trying too hard to fit in, you talk to the unpopular people only and youre an outcast. there is no happy medium i guess anywhere except the ones on the phone making $3.99 a minute to tell you your future. basically i will be nice to anyone until i personally have a reason not to. and then i just try my best to avoid them instead of spending my spare time trying to bring them down or hurt them. so, now onto answering the questions.
What do you think of them? honestly i think if youre going to be famous gossip is inevitable. i remember back in like early 05 before anyone even cared that much about fall out boy i was being paired with lindsay lohan already. it was so weird and i would update saying "oh no, were just friends." it was funny to me back then, when they were so far off and seldom. but now that ive been tied to ashlee simpson and michelle trachtenberg- everyone cares who and what i do, but seriously? at the end of the day they dont care about me. funny how that works. people are going to be interested in your life because theyre waiting to see you do something stupid- even if youre just pumping your gas or shopping at dior. you talk to someone at a party and youre fucking them, wanting to fuck them, or getting fucked over by them while they cheat on their significant other with you. its pretty insane, suddenly youre "famous" and the whole boys and girls can be friends without fucking rule changes.
Have they ever hurt you, or do they make you laugh? im only hurt when im the token celebrity bashed every time the person makes a post, and ive never done anything to them except maybe annoy them with the fact i even exist. i get that people dont like my band, or my face, or get sick of hearing about me and the douchebag things i do and say all the time. i get that. i try to laugh it off but lets be honest, it hurts, even though you know its not true there could be one person out there who hasnt even heard of you or met you and reads it and believes it, like wow that guys an asshole. and theyll think that for the rest of their life or until your 15 minutes of fame are up. if i wasnt me i probably wouldnt want to get to know me either from all of the things that have been said about me. i used to think that "well my real friends know me" but it can stop you from making new friends and you can only tell yourself that "they werent worth getting to know if they believe a rumor anyway" so many times. i think its kind of awesome to meet celebrities and people you hear act one way and they totally make you see theyre not. i try not to judge anyone. a few rumors have made me laugh though i guess. like the rumor i was dating rumer willis. definitely just a rumor. nothing against her but we were just friends. never made out with her or anything like that at all.
What is the worst thing youve read about yourself or a friend in the tabloids or on the internet? um i think anything untrue is the worst, so all of it? i definitely didnt like when inf daily accused me of leaving my dog in the car while i went shopping at target at all. i think thats when it goes a little overboard. but as far as for friends id say probably gabe saporta dying was the worst rumor ive heard spread online. i didnt believe it when i heard it but i started to think about it, like what would i do if he really died? hes been one of my friends for years and years. i think thats the one rumor that hasnt been said about me yet- probably because my teeth have everyone convinced im either a vampire and vampires dont die. AND retain their youthfulness. i think im doing pretty ok with that at almost 30.
What was the funniest one? sometimes some are so ridiculous it actually makes me laugh out loud, like "are they fucking serious?" there are some really weird ones like that i have a facebook and was hooking up with fans through it, but i dont have one of those at all. like this girl was butthurt when "i" said id hook up with her at a show and then at the show i ignored her for my at the time girlfriend. well no shit, because the person pretending to be me wasnt me.
Do you wish any rumors or gossip about you was true? i cant think of any ive actually heard that i wish were true. except maybe that i have a private jet. i would love to have a fucking private jet.
the only advice i can give anyone is try not to clear up any rumors, because there will be so many of them and youll never cover them all. if you pick and choose one or two to deny and put truth behind- then people will figure the ones you didnt respond to are true. its hard, but just ignoring it is for the best.
anyways, enough of that.
this is pretty interesting to read about, a cellphone made out of corn. i saw that a few days ago and was like, ill definitely mention that in my update since i always try to talk about something someone might not have heard of yet. im impressed with the efforts a lot of companies are making to use green list chemicals and the biodegradable packaging now. nokia is looking into it as well, but im sure with everyone going green more companies will take notice.
this is also interesting, as of 2006 1,800 cell phones were discarded a day in the united kingdom. i wonder what the number is here, and what the number has gone up to now in 2008.
and hey, for you. i couldnt hit post without something to make your giving up a few minutes of the new tv season premieres or hitting pause at least worth it. i hope you know how much i appreciate you being there for me through everything. youre my backbone, youre my shoulder to lean on. not just this year, not just now. youve always been there for me to finish my sentences or me to finish yours- for me to interrupt. sometimes i wonder how you dont punch me in the jaw- at least more times than you already do haha. all the ups and downs weve gone through as bandmates and as best friends. you know me better than i know myself, and that is not an easy task considering how many different mes there can be at any given time. i can tell you everything and you dont push me away- you only hold me closer. ive never really had that before and im glad that i do with you. youre my best friend and i wouldnt trade getting to see the world next to you for anything in it. i would not be the person i am today if i had never met you. and weve both grown a lot from that day. i could not do this without you, and the closer weve gotten again with this new cd and the old woman problems only reassures me of this. it reminds me of how much i do need you. thank you for wanting to be in my life through even the most difficult of times and for wanting to be a part of my childs life as well. what you said to me months ago about it still makes me swoon. i didnt forget. i love you.
i hadnt really realized how close to hitting three weeks i was, eesh. i usually update a lot quicker than this, so im definitely going to stay on my toes more for the next update. i dont have anything else to really say for this one though.