the post office in france, PTT, allows you to pay your gas and electricity bills. you can even deposit money in a savings account at the post office and purchase stamps. the city bus is called "le bus RATP", the shuttle is called "le bus Air France", the taxi (which is the most expensive form of transportation) is called "le taxi"... haha... "le Roissy-Rail" is a part of the metro system in france-RER-express. this "Roissy-Rail" has an equivalent with the trains... the TGV (train a grande vitesse)... france has a few major airports. One being the Charles de Gaulle/Roissy. another being "le Bourget". finally we have the Orly-Sud/Ouest. there are six train stations in france... gare du nord, gare de l'est, gare de lyon, gare d'austerlitz, gare saint-lazare and gare montparnasse. the capital of "le maroc" is rabat. while their official language is arabic, there is a population there that speaks french (and also spanish). les Antilles: la Guadeloupe and la Martinique were discovered by Christopher Columbus and are now included as departements de la France. Haiti, while greatly influenced by french culture, is independent. there is a play in my french book entitled "L'Avare"... not so funny for a comedy.. the country telephone code for France is 33, the US/Canada is 1, la Suisse is 41, and the UK is 44. thank you for reading my french final exam review.. sorry for all the random culture thrown together but thats the way my french class is...