1. First and last letters of first name: ea
2. Last letter of surname: y
3. First two letters of most common nickname: er
3.5 Answers 1-3 together: eayer
4. XX or XY: xx
5. Do you cut pizza with a pizza cutter or a scissors? next time i think ill try scissors
6. Is your hair long or short? long...i want to cut it
7. Were you born in the Northern Hemisphere? yup
8. Current location: hamden
9. Do you rinse out the sink after you spit your toothpaste out? yes
10. And do you spray or do you let it just “fall” out? ive never thought about it...
11. How many languages do you know? english... working on my french
12. Nationality: born in america... iran/brazil/germany/latvia/china background
13. What is your favorite tool in MS Paint?: spray can
14. Are you allergic to garlic or silver? uh no
15. Do you have any quirks, strange mannerisms, annoying habits, or other defining characteristics? i eat all round food by rotating it counterclockwise
16. What does your voice sound like? umm idk
17. Ready for a bunch more questions? ok....go
18. Type of toothpaste: crest
19. Sport: tennis, badminton
20. Vegetable: broccoli
21. Fruit: pineapple, kiwis
22. Magazine: tennis magazines are ok
23. Nuclear reactor: cant say i have a favorite
24. Cheese: either mozz or feta
25. Candy: anything sour
26. Candy bar: twix
27. Ice cream flavor: cookie dough at the moment
28. Trash can in the place that you live: the one in my room at my dads because i just got it from ikea and its cool
29. Way to get dressed: look for green clothes
30. Junk food: sour cream and onion chips
31. Store: nordstrom and best buy
32. Time to take a shower: noon
33. Restaurant: hama or roomba
34. Time of day: 12 am
35. Country: i dont know which to pick...
36. State: connecticut!! jk
37. Non-computer game: mario party
38. Board game: cranium
39. Computer game: i havent played computer games in a long time... =(
40. Car: lexus sc430
41. Music video: the last one i remember liking was "volverte a ver"
42. Word: lackadaisical
43. Movie quote: i need to get one...
44. Cartoon character: doug
45. Scary movie: the shining..though i didnt find that scary
46. Thing to make fun of: i make fun of a lot of things
47. Web page:
http://www.ebaumsworld.com/flash/endofworld.html48. Type of fiction genre: science-fiction
49. Commercial: geico commercials
50. Way of wasting time: stuff like this
51. Movie: eternal sunshine of the spotless mind.... and the breakfast club
The first thing that comes to mind when you hear...
52. Hot: dog
53. Tri-ploidy: tripod
54. Pizza: broccoli
55. Asexual: bsexual
56. Black: hole
57. Ice: cream
58. Jack: daniels
59. Rainbow: sky
60. Cherry: red
61. Cucumber: mastamoosir
62. Does this make me look fat?: of course...not
63. Bat: man
64. Leather: chair
65. Whip: i thought of that episode of friends when joey goes to the sleep doctor and they do the scene about the whip noise
66. Water: h2o unfortunately chem made an impression on me
67. Volcano: ouch
This or That...
68. Jello with a knife or a pork roast with a spoon? pork roast
69. Windows XP or linux: xp
70. Hot or cold: right now hot but tomorrow ill say cold
71. Headcrab or a zombie: zombie
72. Sci-fi or BET: sci-fi
73. Gangstaz or Hoodlums: gangstaz
74. Summer Olympics or Winter Olympics: summer
75. Skiing or snowboarding: ive never done either
76. Roller blading or skateboarding: i wish i could skateboard
77. Black or white: black
78. Orange or red: red
79. Yellow or green: green!!
80. Purple or pink: pink
81. Slipknot or doubleknot: double
82. Marilyn Manson or Tupac: tupac
83. Inside or outside: outside is tennis
84. Weed or alcohol: alcohol
85. Cell phone or pager: cell
86. Pen or pencil: pencil
87. Scooby Doo or Dino: dino
88. Chaos or order: chaos is more interesting
89. Now or later: later
90. Plan or surprise: surprise
91. Spit or swallow: spit
92. Hot tub or swimming pool: hot tub
93. Participate or observe: depends whats going on
94. Lead or follow: depends who im with
95. Coffee or hot chocolate: coffee
96. Lace or satin underwear: satin
97. Flowers or Candy: unless its daisies then candy
98. Scruff or Clean shaved: either
99. Blondes or Brunettes: brunettes are waaay better
100. Legos or Duplos: legos...preferably the pirates
101. The big pirate ship or the monorail set: pirate ship
102. Introverted or extroverted: introverted
103. Star Wars or Star Trek: as i age i lean more towards star wars
104. Tattoos or piercings: ouch
105. AA or AAA batteries: AA because they go in everything
So moving right along...Substances
106. Do you smoke? nope
107. Do you smoke weed? nope
108. Ever trip on acid? nope
109. How about a little x? nope
110. Crack, heroin, anything else? nope
111. Beer good or beer bad? eh dont care
112. Are you the sissy who drinks wine coolers? lol no i dont like those
113. Do you like smirnoff ice? not so much
114. Prefer beer or liquor? beer
Would you ever...
115. Bungee jump? scared
116. Sky dive? scared
117. Swim with sharks? scared but maybe
118. Scuba dive? always wanted to
119. Go rock climbing without a rope? sure
120. Turn your back on your friends for personal gain? never
121. Steal a friend's significant other’s car? no..
122. Dress up in toilet paper? sure... maybe for next years scavenger hunt...
123. Walk up to a stranger and kiss them? ive always wondered what that would be like but prob not
124. Dust a TV or CRT monitor with your finger? sure
125. Would you ever do it fast, do it furious? nice cars in that movie
126. Pull a prank on somone? who hasnt already?
Have you ever…
127. Thrown rotting fish at people? uh no
128. Been to California? twice
129. Laughed at someone because they were wasted? yes
130. Been to the Boundary Waters? cant say i have
131. Skateboarded? for like two seconds and then i fell
132. Skinny dipped? no
133. Stolen anything? the anna pants
134. Wanted to kick my ass for posting this survey? nah
135. Pegged someone in the head with a snowball: sisi
136. Watched all three Lord of the Rings back to back? actually i have
137. Been to another country? yup
138. Given money to a homeless person? i rarely have any cash on hand but i have
139. Tried to kill yourself? noooooo
140. Ever needed Prozac? nope
141. Made pancakes with your eyes closed, hopping on one foot and listening to Hanson? wow
142. Had an Anxiety attack? kind of
143. Dropped something on the floor that you were cooking and let someone eat it anyways? haha yes
144. Set any body part on fire for amusement? uh no
145. Kept a secret from everyone? yes...or at least ive tried
146. Had an imaginary friend? indeed
147. Ever cried at a chick Flick? i cry at almost every movie
148. Best cartoon line? ughh i cant think of these quote things
149. Called or seen a psychic? wanted to but my mom said no
150. Planned your week based on the TV Guide? no
Are you….
151. Schizophrenic? i did a project on it with meg
152. Healthy? i guess
153. In denial? sometimes
154. Distractable? very
155. Hungry? yup
Do you….
156. Own a web cam? no
157. Ever get off the computer? yes
158. Sprechen Sie Deutsch? nope
159. Habla espanol? si
160. Go online for longer than eight hours at a time? yes
161. About flag burning? you can if you want to
162. Of the war on terrorists? enough said
163. About people who try to force their opinions on you? shut up
164. What are your religious views? i dont believe in religion
165. What are your views on sex? use a condom
166. What do you think of cloning? hmm its a bit scary..
167. Febreeze? some places need it
168. Why are so many people unhappy? they dont know how to be content with themselves
169. Do you think that the Wraith should be discriminated against based on the way they eat? umm
The last time you…
170. Made a wish? the other night when i looked up at the stars
171. Laughed until you cried? today
172. Watched a sunrise/sunset? cali
173. Spent quality time alone? i cant remember...
174. Read a book for fun? umm i was reading my first nooruz the other day
175. What are you eating? nothing
176. What are you drinking? nothing
177. What are you wearing? shorts and a bra... i need a shirt
178. Any shoes on? my fuzzy pink slippers
179. Listening to? howie days voice
180. Talking to anyone? myself
181. What do you have in your pockets? nothing
Yes or No...
182. Are you strange? sure
183. Are you a vegetarian? not anymore
184. Are you artistic? occasionally
185. Do you write poetry? occasionally
186. Can you ski? no
187. Can you hunt? no
188. Do the voices talk to you? oh they do
189. Did you ever give Barbie a haircut? yes
190. Do you think Lewis Carroll was on acid when they wrote 'Alice in Wonderland'? yeahh
191. Are you symmetrical? i wish i was
192. Are you fat? nah
193. Are you skinny? im just right i guess
194. Are you short? around certain people yes but i like my height
195. Are you tall? no
196. Do you own any clothing that is hot pink? yes.. "i <3 pad thai"
197. Can you cook? quite well
198. Do you use the computer daily? yeah
199. Did you ever know someone who had a mallet? i wish i did
201. Are you secretly from another planet? wouldnt you like to know?
203. Are you a slut? oh yeah thats me
204. Do you eat at potlucks? claro
205. Do you talk a lot? only when i have something to say
206. Are you afraid of clowns? clowns=bad
207. Do you like spiders? no
208. Are you spoiled? not in the "only child" way but yeah
209. Are you anti-social? i was raised to be so but im trying to change that
210. Do you see dumb people? oh all the time
211. Do you see dead people? no
212. Do you remember any of your dreams? rarely
213. Have any of your dreams came true? kind of
214. Do you admit when you need help with a problem? usually
215. Can people read you like a book? some people think they can
216. Are you lonely? no
217. Are you happy? quite
218. Are you talking to someone online? yup
219. Are you ready for this survey to end? yeah
Relationships With Others….
220. In general, how do you treat others (politely, rudely, by keeping them at a distance, etc.)? i follow the golden rule lol
221. Does your treatment of them change depending on how well you know them, and if so, how? umm i guess so...
222. Who is the most important person in your life, and why? too many impt people in my life
223. Who is the person you respect the most, and why? my mom because she knows everything and shes been through so much
224. Who are your friends? meg tess jess elle phetus are some of my fav
225. Do you have a spouse or significant other? i have a bf and his name is khalid
226. Who would you turn to if you were in desperate need of help? my friends
227. Do you trust anyone to protect you? khalid my friends my family... i trust a lot of people i guess
228. If you died or went missing, who would miss you? id hope the above
229. Who is the person you despise the most, and why? graham bc she taught chem 19
230. Do you tend to argue with people, or avoid conflict? i rather stay away from the drama
231. Do you care what others think of you? only the people that i care about
232. Who do you want more than anyone else? khalid
233. Who makes you laugh the most? meg?
234. Who makes you smile? khalid
235. Who can make you feel better no matter what? any of my friends
236. Who gives you a tingly feeling when you see them? khalid
Who was the last person…
237. You touched? i gave susan a hug before she left
238. You talked to? mom
239. You hugged? susan as previously mentioned
240. You instant messaged? khalid
241. You kissed? khalid
242. You yelled at? mom
243. You thought about? mom because i was thinking about why i was yelling at her
244. Who text messaged you? div
245. Who broke your heart? that was a long time ago
246. Who told you they loved you? khalid
247. Who you told you loved them? khalid
It is all about Stargate baby…
248. Have you ever seen the show Stargate Sg-1? yup
249. Have you seen more than half of the episodes? idk
250. Have you seen all of the episodes? probably not
251. Do you know what a Goa’uld is? yes
252. WHERE IS RA? god?
253. Who is the coolest Goa’uld? i cant believe ive watched this show...
254. Do you know who the replicators are? yes
255. What was your favorite episode with them? idk
256. What did you think of the pilot? cant really remember it
257. What’s a ZPM? umm
258. Where was one found? idk
259. Who really needs a ZPM? idk
260. Have you seen Stargate Atlantis? cant remember...maybe
261. What are the wraith? aliens
262. Did you ever see the movie Stargate? nah
263. What was unusual about Ra’s guards? uhh
264. How many times have you seen “Hathor”?
265. What is your favorite season?
266. Name one inconsistency between the movie and the tv series:
267. Do you know what the Printau is?
268. Who lived on Atlantis for 10000 years?
269. What do you hope July 15th brings?
270. Who said that they had to “macguyver” a device similar to a DHD?
271. Who said this quote: “Indeed”?
272. “Your people have learned nothing. But you have.”
273. “Indeed.”
274. “It’s like she has the mind of a child.”
275. What would you like to see?
276. True or false? The NID is a group of honest citizens.
277. Who did General Hammond replace?
278. Who are the Azgard at war with?
279. And most importantly: WHO LOVES SENATOR KINSEY?
Random Questions...
280. If you had to eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be? francos banana salmon
281. What do you consider the most important event of your life so far? theres not one specific one
282. Who has had the most influence on you? my parents
283. What is the hardest thing you’ve ever done? chem 19
284. When was the time you were the most frightened? idk
285. How honest are you about your thoughts and feelings? pretty damn honest
286. Do you have any biases or prejudices? people who drink starbucks and yankee fans
287. Who or what, if anything, would you die for (or otherwise go to extremes for)? people i love
288. What, if anything, shocks or offends you? racist comments towards asians especially
289. If you knew you were going to die in 24 hours, name three things you would do in the time you had left? honestly i have no idea
290. Do you dream in color or black and white? colorrrrrr
291. What’s your biggest fear? growing up and away
292. If you were stranded on a deserted island with one person, who would it be? hey thats like our english paper
293. If you could do anything to the person you hate most what would it be? there would be some hitting with a tennis racquet
294. Who is the perfect person for you? khalid
295. What computer password did you once use that no one would ever guess? the one i have now... haha no one can get it bc its spelled wrong =)
296. Do you ever accept the blame/responsibility for things you shouldn’t? a few times i have
297. How long did this survey take you? a loong time
298. Any last words? its 2:15am do you know where your children are?
299. Now that this is over, what are you going to do? go on with my life... thank you