Sam Winchester - Nobody's Fault but Mine (Supernatural)
The full size version is available here : The title of this fan art comes from a Led Zeppelin's song (you can listen to it
here ) . Just a little tribute to the mythology of the show as SO many episode titles were inspired by Zep (Houses of the Holy, The Song remains the same, When the levee breaks, In my Time of Dying, etc...) Fans may not really appreciate Kripke lately because of what the show has become but honestly I think you just can't criticize the guy when it comes to his musical tastes and more particularly to Led Zeppelin. ;)
I am much more of a "Dean girl" as we say but a little Sam fan art from time to time can't hurt, hum ?
I came with the idea of Sam licking blood from Ruby's knife after watching the latest episode, My Bloody Valentine, where Sam's addiction is back because of the spell of one of the horsemen, Famine. I really loved the scene in the hotel room where he's drinking blood from a demon's throat and shout to an other demon who tries to interfere "Wait your turn !!!". A really good episode indeed particularly the intro scene with the "cannibal couple". I had the feeling to be back in the good old days of Supernatural when blood, monsters and Kripke's love for genre movies were there to entertain me and feed my weekly needs in terms of gore. Ahhh gore ! I must admit I missed the gore stuff like for instance the hand in the mixer in After school special or Jensen loosing his teeth and tearing his skin in the "shapeshifter episode". Anyway...
Ok confession here first... I drew about two weeks ago a fan art of Keanu Reeve as John Constantine and I "recycled" the demon of that fan art in this one. Spn is SO inspired by the comics of Hellblazer (that everybody should read by the way because it's one of the best comics ever published) that making a kind of "crossover" between the two universes is not that stupid. Demons don't look like this one in Supernatural but I'm pretty sure that if Kripke had more than $2 millions per episode the demons would look like something like that.
This drawing will never end up on my
website or on
my DA page. I am not completely satisfied with it, I don't know why. That's the reason why that fan art looks a little bit unfinished (you can't see it, but I can, yeah, I'm nuts...). I think it's also not "gore" enough. I love Supernatural but I must admit that lately drawing Spn fan arts has really become an excuse to draw zombies, demon, monsters, etc.. I LOVE Sam and Dean, ok, and I will never be tired of drawing Jensen Ackles but zombies, come on, aren't they kind of awesome ?
Let's talk about technique
I used Photoshop CS and mostly Painter, my new favorite toy particularly the acrylics, and digital watercolors tools. I switched from one software to the other because for instance when it comes to the hair and the beard I prefer Painter and when I have to draw the skin and the clothes I prefer Photoshop. Just a question of personal tastes ^^
I must admit I don't use Photoshop like other people in the sense I don't have one thousand layers opened at the same time. Of course I use layers, mostly for shadows and highlights but most of the time I use a basic brush set to an opacity of 30% and I "paint" exactly as if I were painting on a canvas or a piece of paper (which is normal because traditional art is where I started).
I used mostly default brushes but also a LOT of brushes downloaded here : If you have questions, don't hesitate to ask them here on LJ or here, on my FormSpring page : See you soon ;)