Bohemian Rhapsody and the Little Dancer

Jul 16, 2009 15:10

So, yeah. I just realized how much I love Queen. I knew I liked Queen before, but it a few minutes ago I finally absorbed just how much I like Queen. I know, can I spell redundant?

I've got American Pie stuck in my head. I love the lyrics. But I gotta say, Naomi's version kicks ass.

I was so bored yesterday that I wrote a story about the Little Dancer. On my phone. It started out as a PowerPoint presentation, 'cause I was just fooling around, then I opened a Word Document and fired away. Not to shabby, if I say so myself; the only downside is that I can no longer feel my fingertips and my wrists are cramped like a bitch. Damn you, uber-small keyboard.

I'm reading Catch-22 again. Amazing book. I'm also reading Dracula, which I've never read cover-to-cover. Mostly just small excerpts that my sister wanted me to hear and random references in movies and TV shows. Mostly from Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

I saw the season/series-ish finale of Scrubs the other day, and I COULD NOT STOP CRYING. I was starting to annoy myself, as I was thinking, "THIS. IS. SCRUBS. DAMMIT. I'm suppost to be laughing here! Why. Am. I. Crying?" It was really bitter-sweet, and they did this recap thing that just set me off.

Less than a month until Psych and Monk start up again. I've had it marked on my M&M Calendar since December. Sometimes my pathetic-ness amazes me.

Jehan angered  me. He thinks Johnny Cash sucks and that Billy Corgan can't sing. I told him to go fuck himself.

I noticed while watching Harry Potter yesterday that there was something about Draco, (like there's something about Mary), that seemed different from most of the other characters. It wasn't just his ANGST, and although I couldn't pinpoint it at the time, it's finally struck me. Tom Felton is a really good actor! I mean, you've gotta admit. Daniel sucks at crying on command, Emma hesitates on her lines a lot, and and Rupert, actually, props to Rupert. But day-yum, you could practically feel Dranco's ANGST and his annoyance and shit. And Cormac. Oh, Cormac. Take me now. That scene with the Slug Club made me lauuugh . . .

I still have my 7th grade Wordly Wise. I don't know why I kept it . .  I think mostly out of nostalgia. I love how you can totally tell the difference between my handwriting and Samira's. "No, Ms. Lundahl. I did all this work by myself. It's just  . . . I'm . . . ambidextrous, you see. This here is me writing with my left hand. And this is with my right!" Damn, girl. We make a good team.

ELEMENT 112 FINALLY HAS A NAME! Copernicium. Guess they're gonna have to re-make that element song.

They renamed the Sears Tower in Chicago. They're calling it the Willis Tower now. I bet my mom'll get a kick outta that. She loooves Bruce Willis. I dunno, I don't think the name'll stick. To me it's always been the Sears Tower, and I don't think the people in Chicago, or anywhere else in the US for that matter, will stop calling it the Sears tower just because the name's officially changing. I think it'll always be known as the Sears Tower.  <-- I've never really thought about what blind people thought about porn. I guess it makes sense.

Today, 40 years ago, Apollo landed on the moon for the first time.    This is the best game ever. It's so addicting.

harry potter, sand, sears tower, angst

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