Then I break out into song. Damn catchy tune. I've fallen asleep to it many times, while I wait for Judge Alex to start.
I think I deserve a round of applause. I mean, two feet of snow? Yeah. I am a god(dess?).
I AM SO PROUD OF THE CAPS. Y'know, I've always been a fan of hockey, what with the adbundance of Canadians and Russians, and the fact that you can be white and still have balls, and the overall violence of the game, but I wasn't into the whole following-a-team thing into relatively recently (summer-ish of '09). But in that summer, I can say that I grew quite attached to the Caps, maybe 'cause they're from DC, maybe 'cause the first hockey game I ever watched, the Caps were playing, maybe 'cause I figured I needed to get a hobby and decided to jump on the bandwagon 'cause Jason Chimera has a bitchin' name, but the fact is, me=Capitals fan. And now that the nation's captial's on a fourteen game winning streak, I am finally proud to say that DC has a team that doesn't suck. (coughredskinscough.)
I'm really sick, though. That coughin' was 69% legit. Damn cold. It's not bad, though, and I'm getting over it pretty quick, even though I didn't take Zicam. I'm pretty sure I sprained my wrist, too, while shoveling snow and unearthing cars, 'cause it hurts like a bitch whenever I move it, but now that I've wrapped it up tighter than spandex on Ms. Lemon, it's not so bad.
I watched six episodes of Buffy the Vampire Slayer yesterday, and I'm feeling especially accomplished 'cause it was all in a row, and hell, it took stamina and determination, 'cause I watched said episodes on my mom's computer, and she doesn't have a comfy chair and my headphones only gave me about 2 feet of manuvering. But alas, my love for Spike has been rekindled. He's so bloody awesome. And James Marsters sings good. But I've already said that.
I still love the 80s, so here's a music video of a catchy song that features Michael Jackson: And this is the Psych-out that led me to this video in the first place: And this is the Song of the Week: Tell Her No, by The Zombies: These guys give off a Beatle-esque vibe, but not really, you know? It's mostly the clothes and hair and the black-and-whitedness. But I really love this song, I just think it's really timeless. And the band's called the Zombies. This is pre-70's, people. Twenty points to the Brits from Hertfordshire!
Have you seen Frank's latest post on There was some serious shit-flipping going on as I read the first half of the first paragraph, but then I finished reading and breathed a sigh of relief. And now I'm tempted to send an angry letter to
Gerard Way's Throat
666 Coffee and Cigarettes Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90069
without a return adress and see where it ends up. (Only I won't know 'cause there won't be a return adress . . . work in progress.)
I finally saw Whip It yesterday, after about two weeks of it sitting on top of my TV while the not-as-awesome-as-the-old-Blockbuster-that-I-used-to-go-to Blockbuster called again and again~, asking for us to return it, or cough up however much it costs. (Which I probably could do, 'cause I still have a wicked cough). BUT THE POINT. I liked it. Twas a good movie.
I'm gonna go watch some more Buffy before watching the Superbowl . . . but that remind me of one last thing:
True words, XKCD. True words.