sick and boredddddd. i was dragged to some distant relatives bday party at a tgif in brooklyn yesterday. there was no one my age. some little annoying boy sitting across from me kept kicking me every 2 seconds. my family apparently had no clue that im vegan so i explained no meat dairy or eggs. and theyre like oh. how about tilapia? i was
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yea so...i went to acoustic cafe friday with jill, frankie, ashley, sara,and j-shu. some of the people were just eh but others were actually really good! i was so surprised! i wish now that i had gone before because i really enjoyed it. i just wish matt hoffmann couldve sung more. he's so amazing. he can sing and play guitar and play the drums
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lately im just sick of so many people. im finally discovering who my real friends are and who really aren't. and some of them still for some reason think theyre still my friends. oh well, ill just have to play along till college, but honestly i just cant wait for college. there are so many people that i just really want to get away from. and
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so, as most of you prob know, justin dumped me monday. after inviting me sledding. after totally leading me on while sledding. on the phone. He didn't even have the balls to do it in person, even though he was like "yea, i meant to do this in person." what a fucking liar. he had a whole hour and a half, at least, before anyone else came to go
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so, i haven't written in this in forever. i guess writing in a journal's just not my thing. but then again lately i haven't felt like doing much of anything. I feel lazy and i hate it. For some reason I just can't do things such as wake up later then 8:30am without feeling like i'm wasting the day. weird
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soooo....bridget's dance party friday was alot of fun. I brought my cousin liz with me (shes gonna be a senior too this year). then liz slept over and in the afternoon justin came out from greenport! he stayed over till sunday and we got to watch johnny's soccer tournament. o joy! lmao i miss justin already. at least i only have to wait
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1. Name: Emily 2. Your Nick Name: auntie em, emilisia, owlet, makayla, em, emmy,emilisomoso <-- that crazy one was gail, emily pacific <-- also gail
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