I seriously believe that the fine people of
www.conservapedia.com have posted this website purely for my amusement. The article on dinosaurs gave me a laugh, as did the little stub on chemistry. C'mon, they need a seperate encyclopedia because there was a liberal slant on CHEMISTRY?
For real fun, compare the wiki articles with the coservapdia
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Comments 3
Congrats on the new job. Is Rusty that cute little doggy on your profile picture?? (lol, if not...I'm going to be super-embarrassed, but I'll get over it someday haha)
Rusty looks a lot like the dog in the picture, but actually it is a vizsla picture I took from the internet and shrunk down to LJ size. I pretend it's Rusty, though, since he appears in most of my LJ entries.
Haha I was just worried Rusty was a human being. That'd be awkward.
Cute, though. Are you living at home at the moment??
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