This meme looked fun, I thought I might do it. Stolen from everyone.
What's your name?: Allison, Ally, hi!
Age?: 28.
Where do you live?: Broken Hill, New South Wales, Australia
Do you have a job?: Not at the moment, let's say I'm studying retail.
How much RP experience do you have?: I've been RPing for about six years, probably even a little longer than that, I remember rping back in the days before Live Journal became free. Let's see we started on Blurty in a Buffy game then we slowly made our way to LJ. Buffy was my big fandom back then and this game I was in was my life, I loved it so dearly but the creators of the games had creative differences and it abruptly closed. Even though it happened so long ago, I'm still a little bitter about it.
After that I wandered about aimlessly for a while, I started to think I was a jinx since the games I joined closed shortly after opening. Then later I found myself in the Heroes fandom among a wonderful bunch of people most of them I still know &hearts
Our first venture together was a Heroes game called String Theory that we played on GreatestJournal and then when that went west, InsaneJournal. The game was based on the 5YG episode of Heroes where Sylar was president and Peter Petrelli was a fugitive. The first character I picked up there was indeed this one, my dearest Heidi. She has been with me ever since.
Our second endeavour was loosely based on the mythology of Buffy the Vampire Slayer called Electus Trucido; vampires, witches, whatnot. My best character there was a witch I loved her and when it was time for her to leave, she and her family had a happy ending (Which is more than most people in the Whedonverse get).
Right now our main focus is
Camp Halfblood based on the movie and book series Percy Jackson and the Olympians :D
There have been other games in transition to these ones but these are the ones that deserve the most mention.
When everyone in my cliché one by one dropped off from the Heroes fandom I found myself on LJ alone with only Heidi's stylin' designer luggage. I'm so glad she's found a place here. *huggles friends list and others*
What are your feelings about shipping?: Oh I like shipping very much, true I have had some bad ships in the past, I'm sure everyone has either the person you play with is clingy and the love the ship so much to the point where you hate it or they are just plain awful with the characters they have chosen. I've had both happen to me. I like the canon, I like unlikely ships (This brings to mind one that happened at String Theory, Heidi and Daniel Balthazaar who well his wasn't evil exactly, but gosh that kid was messed up *giggles*), I like ships I don't even play (Again in String Theory, I never used to like Niki/Peter but I had friends who played them so fantastically it was hard not to.)
What are your feelings about smut?: That is a funny question, In the olden days I actually got an RP award for a threesome in the Buffy game I mentioned. I don't really count it because I remember it was done over AIM and gosh doing stuff that way is awkward. I remember after I left that game for a long time I stayed away from smut and convinced myself I couldn't write it. Then I got over that fear somewhat and I'm really quite good at it now, or I think so at least.
Are there things you won't RP?: Rape storylines are just no to me, they squick me out big time. If that is what floats your boat that's fine it's just I can't do it. Also, gore. I'm not someone who can read/write gore. I know fantastic people who can do that and they love me enough to put 'Not Ally-Safe' warnings on things. I don't even like horror movies.
Another thing I don't RP not won't, don't is evil people. A fatal flaw of mine is that I can't write evil people. Insane perhaps but not evil, you might say well Adam Monroe was evil and I would say no, no he' just misunderstood.
What are your favorite things to RP?: Hmm I don't know, I'll RP my brains out if I'm in the mood. I like plot, who doesn't? Plot drives us all but I'll happily do random SWS threads too if I'm bored.
What's something you wished would get RPed more?: Plot. Plot is the key, it makes the world go round! Other than that, I don't know.
Are you plot driven?: I am plot driven mostly because I suck at thinking up my own plots, like really suck at it. Give me a plot to play along with and I'm there!
Slow or fast tagger: Medium I guess, mostly due to the fact that most of my RP peeps are in America and I'm in Australia, the timezones are completely opposite. If you're online I try to give you as much of my attention as I can. If I don't reply to something important for goodness sake remind me, I have a terrible memory (It's a medical problem D:) but remind me and I'll get right on it ;)
Who are your active muses? Right now my loudest muses are Heidi of course and
Kayla Bartlett Your favorite muses to write?: Heidi of course, she's my most favourite to play. I do so almost every day on Twitter and again Kayla *points to link above*
Contact information? You want me? AIM me at timeconverges