Title: Beneath the wave (2/4)
Author: Petriepuss
Pairing: House/Wilson
Rating: PG
Warnings: Slash, AU
Summary: In which one of Wilson’s brother made an appearance, Wilson was kidnapped and House lost a few of his marbles.
Author notes: Part II of the fic for the H/W fest prompt 60. My first House MD fic, a big thank you to
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Comments 11
Looks good :D
I hope someone will comment on this, first House fic and all *nervous*.
(The comment has been removed)
Thanks for the comment, it gives me motivation to finish this fic (all parts written, needs filled-out a bit more though).
Is this a Lovecraft inspired underworld Wilson? Hmmm....
So are we going to find out what is going on soon? Write more asap!!
I stumbled upon you lj via HW fest and found this story. Wow - nice idea about Wilson. I especially loved it in the first chapter when he was hugging House ,') CUTE!
LOL at the MiB joke of looking into the light, but oi - separated. I really really REALLY hope Wilson come back to House and that House will completely remember what happened.
Hope you'll update this one soon! In the meanwhile I hope you won't mind if I friend you?
Hugs, Em
Well, this fic is mostly done, but I'm not happy with the final product yet, and other projects seemed more interesting, so...
But, yes, since there are still people wanting to read it, I might just polish up the last two parts and put them up not so long in the future.
Thanks for the comment!
Hugs, Em
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